Grammar Practice Worksheets

Grammar: This and That

Notice how this and that are used with singular nouns and these and those are used with plural nouns.

This and that are used with singular nouns and these and those are used with plural nouns. In these examples, note the way the sentences below change based on whether the noun is singular or plural.

This and That
(singular nouns)

This and that are used when talking about singular nouns.

Change the noun and watch how this and that change based on the noun’s gender.

    Dess buch is gree.
    This book is green.

    Dess verse is shay.
    This verse is nice.

    Dee shrift is encouraging.
    This scripture is encouraging.

    Deah breef is funn diah.
    This letter is from you all.

    Deah mann voond do in Loogootee.
    This man lives here in Loogootee.

    Dee fraw voond do in Loogootee.
    This woman lives here in Loogootee.

    Sell buch is gree.
    That book is gree.

    Sell verse is shay.
    That verse is nice.

    Selli shrift is encouraging.
    That scripture is encouraging.

    Sellah breef is funn diah.
    That letter is from you all.

    Sellah mann voond do in Loogootee.
    That man lives here in Loogootee

    Selli fraw voond do in Loogootee..
    That woman lives here in Loogootee.

    This and That
    (when not next to a noun)

    This and that stay in their neuter forms (dess and sell) when they’re not next to a noun.

      Dess is en grohs buch.
      This is a big book.

      Dess is en glay haus.
      This is a small house.

      Dess is en brayti deah.
      This is a wide door.

      Dess is en katzah breef.
      This is a short letter.

      Sell is en grohs buch.
      That is a big book.

      Sell is en glay haus.
      That is a small house.

      Sell is en brayti deah.
      That is a wide door.

      Sell is en katzah breef.
      That is a short letter.

      These and Those
      (plural nouns)

      These and those are used when referring to plural nouns.

      Change the nouns and notice how these and those stay the same when used with plural nouns.

        Dee bichah sinn gree.
        These books green.

        Dee verses sinn shay.
        These verses are nice.

        Dee shrifta sinn encouraging.
        These scriptures are encouraging.

        Dee breefa sinn funn diah.
        These letters are from you all.

        Dee mennah voona do in Loogootee.
        These men live here in Loogootee.

        Dee veibsleit voona do in Loogootee.
        These women live here in Loogootee.

        Selli bichah sinn gree.
        Those books are gree.

        Selli verses sinn shay.
        Those verses are nice.

        Selli shrifta sinn encouraging.
        Those scriptures are encouraging.

        Selli breefa sinn funn diah.
        Those letters are from you all.

        Selli mennah voona do in Loogootee.
        Those men live here in Loogootee.

        Selli veibsleit voona do in Loogootee..
        Those women live here in Loogootee.

        These and Those
        (when not next to plural nouns)

        These and those stay in their neuter forms (dee and selli) when they’re not next to a noun.

          Dee sinn grohsi bichah.
          These are big books.

          Dee sinn glenni heisah.
          These are small houses.

          Dee sinn brayti deahra.
          These are wide doors.

          Dee sinn katzi breefa.
          These are short letters.

          Selli sinn grohsi bichah.
          Those are big books.

          Selli sinn glenni heisah.
          Those are small houses.

          Selli sinn brayti deahra.
          Those are wide doors.

          Selli sinn katzi breefa.
          Those are short letters.