
Worksheet: Location and Direction

Learn how to use location and direction words in sentences with this language worksheet.

In, out, up, down, and over

Learn how to talk about physical location and direction in sentences.

This interactive worksheet is based on information explained in DeitshBooks’ Location and Direction worksheet (PDF).

used with:do (here)datt (there)kumma (come)gay (go)
in (in)hinndrinnreinei
aus (out)hausdrausrausnaus
ovva/uf (up)hovvadrovvaruffnuff
unna (down)hunnadrunnarunnahnunnah
ivvah (over)hivvadrivvarivvahnivvah
How to use chart

h is a location close to speaker

dr is a location away from speaker

r is a direction of travel, coming toward speaker

n is a direction of travel, going away from speaker

How to use this interactive worksheet: Select a location or direction word from the dropdown lists in the examples below to see how the sentence changes. The changed word will be highlighted.


    (Where something/someone is)


    Ich binn do .

    EN: I am in here.

    EN: I am out here.

    EN: I am up here.

    EN: I am down here.

    EN: I am over here.


    Eah is datt .

    EN: He is in there.

    EN: He is out there.

    EN: He is up there.

    EN: He is down there.

    EN: He is over there.


    (Direction of travel)


    Kumm do .

    EN: Come in here.

    EN: Come out here.

    EN: Come up here.

    EN: Come down here.

    EN: Come over here.


    Gay datt

    EN: Go in there.

    EN: Go out there.

    EN: Go up there.

    EN: Go down there.

    EN: Go over there.

    Quiz Yourself

    Change each example to see how the sentence changes.

    Learn more about location and direction in these PDF’s: