
Sad adj = sad (not bedrohwa)
Zvay leit es reeli sad voahra.

Same pro = saym (as in similar or identical)
’Sis saym es sell.
Du bisht nett saym es see.

When used as a pronoun, saym does not need da or di in front of it.

Same adj:

  • saym (with neu nouns)
  • saymi (with f or pl nouns)
  • saymah (with m nouns)

Satisfy verb = saetisfeiya

Save verb = sayva

  • (miah) sayva
  • (si) sayva
  • Saved verb = ksayft past tense

Saved adj = ksayft (use with a form of sei or vadda)
Missa miah yusht glawva an da Jesus fa ksayft sei?

Saw verb = sayya (as in to cut up wood. Never use shneida when talking about cutting wood. Not the same as to split wood)
— compare with split (verb) and sow (verb)
Say’s hols.
Miah hols sayya fa unsah nochbah.

Schedule noun = da sketshel

Scheduled adj = beshteld (See also booked (adj)) (Technically a borrowed German word, but often used in print when talking about upcoming events.)
Da leicht is beshteld fa Samshdawk meiya.

Secretly adv = hinna rumm (opposite of openly)

Section noun = da section
Vass lanna ma funn deah section?

Select verb = selekta (pick from some options)

Select from verb = raus laysa (pick out; choose from)
Ich habb di fauli aebbeahra raus laysa.

  • Selected from verb = raus glaysa past tense


  • Self = selvaht
  • Himself/herself/itself = sich selvaht
  • Myself = mich selvaht
  • Oneself = em selvaht
  • Ourselves = uns selvaht
  • Themselves = si selvaht (si and selvaht are often separated in sentences)
    Si sinn selvaht ganga. (They went themselves.)
  • Yourself = dich selvaht
  • Yourselves = eich selvaht

Self-control noun = self-kantrohl

Send out verb = naus shikka

Sense = sense (not sens)
Dayt’s nett yusht sense macha?

Sentence noun = da sentence

Set straight verb = recht setza (to correct something or someone) (present/future) (conjugate setza to match the pronoun)

  • Set straight verb = recht ksetzt past tense

Set straight adj = recht ksetzt (to become corrected; used with sei or vadda)

Set up verb = ufsetza

Settled verb = kseddeld past tense

Shake up verb = fashidla
Du nett mei drink fashidla.

  • Shaken up verb = ufkshiddeld past tense
    Ich habb da drink ufkshiddeld.

Shaken up adj = ufkshiddeld (physically or emotionally; used with sei or vadda)
Miah sedda kawm bleiva un nett ufkshiddeld vadda bei vass anri du kenna.

Shaking noun = es shidles

Shame = shawt

Share verb = sherra (not sheira)

  • Shared verb = ksherd past tense

Ship verb = shibba

  • Shipped verb = kshibt past tense

Shipped adj = kshibt

Shortly before phrase = vennich eb
Vennich eb mei daett kshtauva is, hott eah ksawt…

Shut off verb = abshodda

Since = siddah

Single adj = single (as in not married)

Single adj = ay (as in a single item)
ay shtikk boi

Skin noun = di haut (not es haut)

Slave noun = di slave

Sled riding verb = shlidda foahra

Sling noun = di shling (as in a slingshot)

  • Slings noun = di shlinga plural

Sluggish adj = shtokkich (as in someone or something that’s slow-going, slow-moving, slow to change)
Deah gaul is so shloh un shtokkich!

Di kinnah sinn am kumma. Si sinn yusht shtokkich.

Smart adj = shmeaht

  • Smarter adj = shmeahdah

Snacks = noun di shnaeks

Sometimes = daylmohls or alsmoll or etmohl (varies with region and dialect)
Favass mecht’s daylmohls hatt sei…?
Miah henn feel leit assigned zu unsah group, avvah alsmoll, henn miah elf anri, es kumma funn diffandi bletz.

Somewhere = eiyetz
Du bisht am shaffa eiyetz es reeli laut is.

Son noun = da boo (common)

  • Son noun = da sohn (uncommon; unless used to refer to Jesus or in the Bible)

Song noun = da song (see also metaphorical gender on how to use with pronouns)
Ma gleicha da song. Eah is fann fa singa!

Soon = glei

Sort of / Kind of / Type of = fa
Vass fa challenges hott da Andy katt?

For other uses for the word fa, see also the dictionary and the words For and Kind of for additional meanings.

Sort verb = sorta

  • Sorted verb = ksort past tense

Sound verb :

  1. sound (more current)
    Sell sound goot zu mich!
  2. lauda (older word; is on the way out)
    (Compare loud and out loud)

Sovereignty noun = recht da roola

Special adj:

  • speshel (with neu nouns)
  • spesheli (with f or pl nouns)
  • speshelah (with m nouns)

Speed noun = da shpeet

Spelled adj = kshpeld (often with sei)
Mach shuah es awl vadda recht kshpeld sinn fa da test.

Split verb = shpalda (as in to split something up or cause a division. Commonly used when talking about using an ax to split wood. Not the same as to cut or saw wood.)
— compare with to saw (verb)
Ich muss hols shpalda.
Iahra gmay is shpalda.

Spoon noun = es leffel (not da leffel)
’S leffel is drekkich.

Stain noun = da shtayn
Sellah shtayn is roht.

Stale verb = ohzeyya (as in to draw moisture)

  • Stale verb = ohgezowwa past tense (as in turned stale)

Stale adj = ohgezowwa
’S broht is ohgezowwa.

Stand verb = shtenda (as in to bear or handle a situation)
Eah kann nett shtenda si sayna so hungahrich sei.

Stand verb = shtay (as in to stand on one’s feet)

Stands for verb = shtayt fa (as in symbolizes or means)
Di letters USA shtayt fa United States of America.

Start noun = da shteaht
Si henn en goodah shteaht katt.

Steak noun = di shtayk
Di shtayk shmakt reeli goot.

Sticky adj = babbich

Still (See also Shtill vs Alsnoch vs Noch vs Doch language lesson)

  1. Still (as in be still, quiet, calm) = shtill
    Es is en zeit… fa shtill sei, un en zeit fa shvetza.
  2. Still (as in up to and even now, continuing) = alsnoch
    Vi vissa miah es di eahvet alsnoch results hott?
  3. Still (to come; yet) = noch
    Miah henn noch may fa du.
    (See also after)
  4. Still (as in after all, even so) = doch
    Miah sinn funn alli sadda leit avvah es dutt uns doch nett diveiyda.

Stone noun = da shtay

  • Stones noun = di shtay plural

Story noun = di shtoahri

  • Stories noun = di shtoahris plural

Straight = grawt (see also words, exactly and immediately)
Hald oh grawt faddi noch da stop sign.

Strength noun = di graft
Eah is da vann es uns graft gebt.

Stubble noun = da shtubbel (unshaven facial hair; the whole)

Study noun = da shtoddi
Bivvel shtoddi
Vatshtavvah Shtoddi

Study verb = shtodya

  • (ich) shtoddi (used also in commands)
    Shtoddi di bichah mitt uns.
  • (du) shtoddisht
  • (eah/see/es) shtoddit
  • (miah) shtodya
  • (diah) shtodyet
  • (si) shtodya
  • Studied verb = kshtoddit past tense

Study adj = shtoddi
shtoddi article

Stuff noun = es shtoft
Du kansht diffand shtoft daunlohda…
Neiy shtoft funn da shtoah.

Stumble verb = stombla

  • Stumbled verb = kstombeld past tense

Stumbled adj = kstombeld

Subject noun = da subject

Such = so (when emphasizing something)
Fido is so en aldah hund.

Such / Suchlike = so (when referring to things that have already been mentioned)
Gott is nett di shuld funn earthquakes, shlimm veddah… Feel funn’s soffahres heit kumd funn so sacha.

Suffer verb = soffahra

Suffering noun = soffahres

Support noun = da support

Support verb = supporda

Surcingle noun = da bauch-gatt (belt or strap that goes under horse’s stomach to hold a saddle or pack to horse’s back)
Mach shuah da bauch-gatt teit is.

Sure enough phrase = Shuah genunk

Sympathize verb = mitt-leida (to have fellow feeling for someone)

Synchronize verb = sinkraneiysa

  • Synchronized verb = sinkraneiysd past tense

Synchronized adj = sinkraneiysd (used with sei or vadda)