
Page noun = es paytsh

  • Pages noun = di paytshes plural

Paid adj = betzawld
Ich vatt nett betzawld koss ich binn en volunteer.

Pantry noun = di botri (place for storing food)

Parable noun = es gleichnis (as in a story used to teach; similar to an illustration)

Paragraph noun = da paragraph

Parents noun = di eldra plural
(Note: It’s more natural to use the words maemm and daett instead of eldra in conversations. And it’s more natural to do it in that order: “mom and dad”.)

Part noun = es part

Participate verb = participayda

Particular adj = patiklah

Past = fabei (as in direction)
Gay fabei. Si sinn nett dihaym.
’S nett en dawk’s fabei gayt…

Patience noun (a quality)

  1. patience
  2. geduld (less common outside of the Bible)

Patient adj (what someone is)

  1. patient
  2. geduldich

Patiently adv = patiently (how someone does something)
Ich binn am patiently voahra biss ich healthy binn.

Peace noun = peace (common)

  • fridda (less common)

Peaceful adj = peaceful (does not change for the noun it goes with)

Perfect adj:

  • pirfikt (with neu noun)
  • pirfiktah (with m noun)
  • pirfikti (with f nouns)

Perfection noun = pirfekshin

Person noun = da person

  • People noun = di leit plural

Pet verb = shtreicha (lit to stroke)
Shtreich nett da hund!

Phone noun = da phone

Phrase noun = da frays

Phrases noun = di frayses plural

Pick verb = pikka

  • (ich) pikk
  • (du) piksht
  • (miah) pikka
  • (si) pikka

Pick out verb = raus laysa (choose from; select from)
Ich habb di fauli aebbeahra raus laysa.

Piled up adj = uf gepeild (used with a form of sei or vadda)
Di ksharra sinn uf gepeild.

Piled up verb = uf gepeild past tense
Miah henn di ksharra uf gepeild.

Pioneer noun = peiyneer

  • Pioneers noun = di peiyneers plural

Pioneer verb = peiyneera

Pity verb = davvahra (as in to show pity, compassion, mercy; one of the strongest feelings for someone who is suffering; always used along with a noun)
Please, davvah uns un helf uns!
Ich habb’s hawsli gedavvaht.

  • (ich) davvah
  • (du) davvahsht
  • (eah/see/es) davvaht
  • (miah) davvahra
  • (diah) davvahret
  • (si) davvahra
  • Pitied verb = gedavvaht past tense

Plain adj = playn

Plan noun = da plan

  • Plans noun = di plans plural

Plan verb = plenna

Please verb = pleesa

  • (ich) plees
  • (eah/see/es) pleest
  • (miah) pleesa
  • (si) pleesa

Pleasing adj = pleesing

Plug verb = pluga

  • Unplug it = unplug’s (as in a command)

Point noun = da point
Vass is da mayn point?

Position noun = da position

Post noun = da pohsta (as in a fence post)

Post verb = posta (as to mail something like a letter or post it to the internet)

Power noun = da power

Powerful adj = powerful

Practice verb = praektisa

Preach verb = breddicha

  • (ich) breddich
  • (du) breddichsht
  • (eah/see/es) breddicht
  • (miah) breddicha
  • (diah) breddichet
  • (si) breddicha
  • Preached verb = gebreddicht past tense

Preaching (work) noun = di ministry (as in the preaching work that we do) (not breddiches)
Unsah ministry is goot organized.

Prepare verb = reddi greeya (literally, get ready) (Conjugate greeya based on who is preparing)

Prepared adj = reddi (to be prepared (ready); used with sei or vadda)
Vass kann em helfa fa goot reddi sei fa di fasamlinga?

Prepare (the table) verb = rishta (as in to get the table ready for a meal)
’Sis zeit fa da dish rishta.
Risht da dish!

Pretty much = adlich

Previously = difoah (before now, earlier) (Compare with before and for it)
Ich habb sell nett keaht difoah!

Principle noun = da principle

Print verb = prinda

Printed adj = geprind
Kann ich en geprind kabbi greeya?

Privilege noun = da privilege

  • Privileges noun = di privileges plural

Problem noun = da problem

Promise noun = da promise

Promise verb = fashprecha

  • Promised verb = fashprocha past tense

Prophecy noun = da prophecy

  • Prophecies noun = di prophecies plural

Protect verb = protekta

Protection noun = protekshin

Proud adj = proud (not shtols)

Prove verb = proova

  • (eah/see/es) prooft
  • (miah) proova
  • (si) proova
  • Proved verb = geprooft past tense

Public Bible Discourse = Bivvel Talk fa Awl-Leit

Publication noun = da publication

Publications noun = di publications plural

Publish verb = poblisha

Published adj = gepoblisht
The Directory is gepoblisht baut alli zvay yoah.

Pulled out verb = raus gezohwa
Ich habb di veetz raus gezohwa.

(on) Purpose adj = poahbes (as in deliberately)
Ich habb nett poahbes.

Put verb = du (based on context)

  • (ich) du (also used in commands)
    Vi free dusht du eahpsa naus? / (EN: How early do you put peas out?)
    Vann ich blohi paint uf di vand du, zayld’s en diffans macha.
  • (du) dusht
  • (eah/see/es) dutt
  • (miah) doon
    Vann miah greeni paint uf di vand doon, zayld’s goot gukka.
  • (diah) doond
  • (si) doon
  • Put verb = gedu past tense
    Ich habb ebbes an eiyah deah gedu.

Put into verb = nei du (conjugate du to match the noun)
Du di zeit nei vann da job faddich gmacht hosht.

  • Put into verb = nei gedu past tense
    Da Menno hott en latt effort nei gedu fa en job greeya.

Put on verb = ohzeeya (for example clothes) (See also dress (verb))
Ich binn mei glaydah ohzeeya.

  • Put on verb = ohgezowwa past tense

Put up with verb = uf du mitt
Miah missa patiently uf du mitt unsah kinnah.