Page noun = es paytsh
- Pages noun = di paytshes plural
Paid adj = betzawld
Ich vatt nett betzawld koss ich binn en volunteer.
Pantry noun = di botri (place for storing food)
Parable noun = es gleichnis (as in a story used to teach; similar to an illustration)
Paragraph noun = da paragraph
Parents noun = di eldra plural
(Note: It’s more natural to use the words maemm and daett instead of eldra in conversations. And it’s more natural to do it in that order: “mom and dad”.)
Part noun = es part
Participate verb = participayda
Particular adj = patiklah
Past = fabei (as in direction)
Gay fabei. Si sinn nett dihaym.
’S nett en dawk’s fabei gayt…
Patience noun (a quality)
- patience
- geduld (less common outside of the Bible)
Patient adj (what someone is)
- patient
- geduldich
Patiently adv = patiently (how someone does something)
Ich binn am patiently voahra biss ich healthy binn.
Peace noun = peace (common)
- fridda (less common)
Peaceful adj = peaceful (does not change for the noun it goes with)
Perfect adj:
- pirfikt (with neu noun)
- pirfiktah (with m noun)
- pirfikti (with f nouns)
Perfection noun = pirfekshin
Person noun = da person
- People noun = di leit plural
Pet verb = shtreicha (lit to stroke)
Shtreich nett da hund!
Phone noun = da phone
Phrase noun = da frays
Phrases noun = di frayses plural
Pick verb = pikka
- (ich) pikk
- (du) piksht
- (miah) pikka
- (si) pikka
Pick out verb = raus laysa (choose from; select from)
Ich habb di fauli aebbeahra raus laysa.
Piled up adj = uf gepeild (used with a form of sei or vadda)
Di ksharra sinn uf gepeild.
Piled up verb = uf gepeild past tense
Miah henn di ksharra uf gepeild.
Pioneer noun = peiyneer
- Pioneers noun = di peiyneers plural
Pioneer verb = peiyneera
Pity verb = davvahra (as in to show pity, compassion, mercy; one of the strongest feelings for someone who is suffering; always used along with a noun)
Please, davvah uns un helf uns!
Ich habb’s hawsli gedavvaht.
- (ich) davvah
- (du) davvahsht
- (eah/see/es) davvaht
- (miah) davvahra
- (diah) davvahret
- (si) davvahra
- Pitied verb = gedavvaht past tense
Plain adj = playn
Plan noun = da plan
- Plans noun = di plans plural
Plan verb = plenna
Please verb = pleesa
- (ich) plees
- (eah/see/es) pleest
- (miah) pleesa
- (si) pleesa
Pleasing adj = pleesing
Plug verb = pluga
- Unplug it = unplug’s (as in a command)
Point noun = da point
Vass is da mayn point?
Position noun = da position
Post noun = da pohsta (as in a fence post)
Post verb = posta (as to mail something like a letter or post it to the internet)
Power noun = da power
Powerful adj = powerful
Practice verb = praektisa
Preach verb = breddicha
- (ich) breddich
- (du) breddichsht
- (eah/see/es) breddicht
- (miah) breddicha
- (diah) breddichet
- (si) breddicha
- Preached verb = gebreddicht past tense
Preaching (work) noun = di ministry (as in the preaching work that we do) (not breddiches)
Unsah ministry is goot organized.
Prepare verb = reddi greeya (literally, get ready) (Conjugate greeya based on who is preparing)
Prepared adj = reddi (to be prepared (ready); used with sei or vadda)
Vass kann em helfa fa goot reddi sei fa di fasamlinga?
Prepare (the table) verb = rishta (as in to get the table ready for a meal)
’Sis zeit fa da dish rishta.
Risht da dish!
Pretty much = adlich
Previously = difoah (before now, earlier) (Compare with before and for it)
Ich habb sell nett keaht difoah!
Principle noun = da principle
Print verb = prinda
Printed adj = geprind
Kann ich en geprind kabbi greeya?
Privilege noun = da privilege
- Privileges noun = di privileges plural
Problem noun = da problem
Promise noun = da promise
Promise verb = fashprecha
- Promised verb = fashprocha past tense
Prophecy noun = da prophecy
- Prophecies noun = di prophecies plural
Protect verb = protekta
Protection noun = protekshin
Proud adj = proud (not shtols)
Prove verb = proova
- (eah/see/es) prooft
- (miah) proova
- (si) proova
- Proved verb = geprooft past tense
Public Bible Discourse = Bivvel Talk fa Awl-Leit
Publication noun = da publication
Publications noun = di publications plural
Publish verb = poblisha
Published adj = gepoblisht
The Directory is gepoblisht baut alli zvay yoah.
Pulled out verb = raus gezohwa
Ich habb di veetz raus gezohwa.
(on) Purpose adj = poahbes (as in deliberately)
Ich habb nett poahbes.
Put verb = du (based on context)
- (ich) du (also used in commands)
Vi free dusht du eahpsa naus? / (EN: How early do you put peas out?)
Vann ich blohi paint uf di vand du, zayld’s en diffans macha. - (du) dusht
- (eah/see/es) dutt
- (miah) doon
Vann miah greeni paint uf di vand doon, zayld’s goot gukka. - (diah) doond
- (si) doon
- Put verb = gedu past tense
Ich habb ebbes an eiyah deah gedu.
Put into verb = nei du (conjugate du to match the noun)
Du di zeit nei vann da job faddich gmacht hosht.
- Put into verb = nei gedu past tense
Da Menno hott en latt effort nei gedu fa en job greeya.
Put on verb = ohzeeya (for example clothes) (See also dress (verb))
Ich binn mei glaydah ohzeeya.
- Put on verb = ohgezowwa past tense
Put up with verb = uf du mitt
Miah missa patiently uf du mitt unsah kinnah.