Words of the Week
Good news noun = di good news (common)
Bad news noun = di bad news (common)
When talking about good news or bad news we might hear or read about, the English phrases good news and bad news are more clear and quickly understandable to people.
Using di good news when talking about good news from the Bible is also clear to most people.
di good news veyyich da Jesus
di good news funn di Bivvel
Goodi sacha is a more theocratic term that would need to be explained more.
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- Die verb = shtauva (humans)
- Died verb = kshtauva past tense (humans)
- Die verb = doht gay (animals)
- Died verb = doht ganga past tense (animals)
- parents noun = di eldra (In conversations, it’s more common and natural to use maemm un daett (mom and dad) instead.)
- regret verb = shpeida
- regretted verb = kshpeit past tense
- ended up = ufgend (as in the result of something)
- good news noun = di good news (news in general or from the Bible)
- bad news noun = di bad news (news in general)
- rishta verb = prepare (the table)
- openly adv = fanna rumm
- secretly adv = hinna rumm
- branch noun (off the tree) = di hekk
- branch noun (on the tree) = da nasht
- earned adj = fadeend
- rather = leevah
- to prep = zu or ditzu (often pronounced d’zu, da’zu)
- Spiritual Gems (midweek meeting part) = Spiritual Gems
Keshtlichi Sacha - fun adj / good = fitt
- crooked adj = shep
- really = hatt (for emphasis)
- tricked adj = getrikt (as in fooled)
Pennsylvania Dutch Dictionary
Abbreviated Watchtower Study noun = Katzah Shtoddi Funn Da Vatshtavvah
About adv = baut (as in nearly or almost)
Miah sinn baut datt.
About prep (as in concerning or in regard to) (See also prepositions lesson guide)
- about prep = veyyich (before a noun or pronoun; in the middle of a sentence)
Miah zayla shvetza veyyich dei grades.
Vass veyyich dich? - about (it) prep = diveyya (at the end of a sentence or thought when there’s no noun or pronoun after it)
Vass zayla miah shvetza diveyya in deah article?
Sell is vass ich am shvetza binn diveyya.
Vass kenna miah du diveyya?
Above all = ovvich alles
Accept verb = eksepta
- (ich) eksept
- (eah/see/es) eksept
- (miah) eksepta
- (si) eksepta
Acceptable adj = acceptable
Sell is acceptable.
Access verb = aeksessa
Miah zayla’s information aeksessa.
Act verb = aekta (not ohshikka)
- Acted verb = gaekt past tense
Acted out adj = ausgaekt
Ich gleich awl di talks un sacha es ausgaekt vadda.
Action noun = es aekshin
- Actions noun = di aekshins plural
Actually = aekshli
Advice noun = es advice
Affect verb = afekta
- Affected verb = afekt past tense
Affected adj = afekt
Vi mecht ma afekt sei vann em sei job tshaynsht?
(see Language Lesson)
(this) Afternoon = dinochmidawk
Afterword = nochdihand
Age noun = di eld
Si sinn baut di saym eld.
Agree verb = agreeya
- (ich) agree
- (du) agreesht
- (eah/see/es) agreet
- (miah) agreeya
- (diah) agreeyet
- (si) agreeya
- Agreed verb = agreet past tense
All the way at the bottom = gans drunna (there)
Allowed = daufa (commonly used in general conversation)
- Allowed = alawbt (in reference to commands or laws)
Amazing adj
- amazing (with neu nouns)
’Sis amazing vi ald da gaul is! - amaysingi (with f and pl nouns)
Amish noun = di Amishi (as in, the people who belong to the Amish religion)
Daviess County Amishi sinn known fa iahra Southern twang.
and so on phrase = un so veidah (as in etc, etc)
Animals noun = di animals (not diahra)
Angel noun = da engel
- Angels noun = di engel plural (not
Another = noch
Sell is noch en reesin es miah shaffa free mieyets.
Answer noun = da ensah
- Answers noun = di ensahs plural
Answer verb = ensahra
- (ich) ensah
- (eah/see/es) ensaht
- (miah) ensahra
- (si) ensahra
- Answered verb = gensaht past tense
Antique noun = da antique
Anymore adv = may (any longer, at the present; especially when talking about now verses in the past) (Compare with no longer (nimmi))
Ich binn nau zu ald un kann baut nix du may.
Miah henn di train fafayld un ’sis nix es miah du kenna may.
Vass kann ich du? Nix nau may. Alles is faddich.
Words anymore (may) and no longer (nimmi) mean about the same. The difference is: nimmi goes along with a verb; may can be used by itself (usually at the end of a sentence).
Apply verb = apleiya
- (ich) apleiy
- (du) apleiysht
- (eah/see/es) apleiyt
- (miah) apleiya
- (diah) apleiyet
- (si) apleiya
Appreciate verb = apreeshayda
- (ich) apreeshayt
- (du) apreeshaysht
- (eah/see) apreeshayt (can also be used with ‘s or es when referring to an unmarried girl)
- (miah) apreeshayda
- (diah) appreeshaydet
- (si) apreeshayda
- Appreciated verb = apreeshayt past tense
Area noun = di area
Argue verb
- argyoowa
Ich zayl nett argyoowa mitt dich. - maula
Even vann diah bays sind, boviahret hatt fa nett shteahra maula.
Argument noun = da argument
en grohsah argument
Article noun = da article
Ask verb = frohwa (see also question verb)
Miah frohwa dich fa ohhalda may lanna veyyich sell.
- (ich) frohk
- (du) frohksht
- (eah/see/es) frohkt
- (miah) frohwa
- (diah) frohwet
- (si) frohwa
- Asked verb = kfrohkt past tense
Asked adj = kfrohkt
At = an
At once = ufamoll (at the same time; at a time)
’Sis hatt fa focusa uf may’s ay ding ufamoll.
Awl ufamoll hott alles getshaynsht.
Nemm ay dawk ufamoll.
Ate verb (past tense of eat)
- gessa (what a human did)
- kfressa (what an animal did)
Ate up verb = ufkfressa past tense
Attack noun = attack
Attacked adj = attacked
Attitude noun = da attitude
Available adj = available
Awake! (magazine) = Ufvekka!
- back noun = da bukkel (as part of body)
- back adv = zrikk (as in direction)
- back adj = hinna (as in location)
Bad news noun = di bad news (common)
Baptized adj = gedawft (use with a form of sei or vadda)
Vass setsht du denka diveyya eb gedawft vatsht?
Based verb = gebayst past tense
Eah hott sei discussions uf facts gebayst.
Based adj = gebayst
Di bichah sinn gebayst uf medical research.
Bear verb = shtenda (as in to handle or stand a situation)
Ich binn so hungahrich es ich’s baut nett shtenda kann.
Beat verb = beeda (as in to win at something; game, race, etc or have success over someone or something)
Ich zayl dich beeda.
- Beat verb = gebodda past tense
Ich habb dich gebodda!
Because = koss (more common)
- because (less common)
Beehive noun = eema-haus
Before = eb (in time or order, but not necessarily about the past) (Compare with previously)
Miah zayla essa eb sell.
Beforehand = ebdihand (“in advance”, “ahead of time”)
Favass sett ma en list macha ebdihand vann ma zu da shtoah gayt?
Belief noun = da glawva (a person’s faith, beliefs, or religion)
Vi kann ich da recht glawva finna?
Mach dei glawva shteikah.
Believe verb = glawva (as in to trust something as true, or to soften a statement)
Ich kann’s nett glawva!
Si zayla da gans dawk bleiva, glawb ich. (See note)
Vass maynd’s fa convinced sei funn vass ma glawbt?
Instead of appearing to demand that what they say is completely accurate, native speakers may put “glawb ich” at the end of a sentence (or “Ich glawb” / “Glawb” at the start) to soften a statement. This is similar to putting “I think” or “I believe” at the end of a statement in English. The words “glawb ich” can also be combined into a single word, glavvich; similar to habb ich / havvich.
Glawb’s voah geshtah.
Mei eldra sinn 70 dess yoah, glavvich.
Beneath it / under it = unna droh
Gukk an di piktahs un vass’s sawkt unna droh.
Benefits noun = di benefits
Benefit verb
- benefit verb (with singular nouns and pronouns)
- (ich) benefit
- (eah/see/es) benefit
- bennafida verb (with plural nouns and pronouns)
Miah bennafida funn dei shayni vadda.
- Benefited verb = benefit past tense
Vi hott si benefit funn da program?
(be of) Benefit verb = badda (as in to be of benefit, aid or help)
Ich habb da Johnny sei hoot bei gebrocht. Es batt een nix koss eah is nett dihaym.
Ich habb hatt boviahra, avvah es batt nix.
- (eah/see/es) batt
- (miah) badda
- (si) badda
Beside = nayvich (physically next to something)
Da nei bohm is geblanst nayvich’s haus.
Better adj
- bessah (used alone or with neuter nouns)
Zayla sacha selayva bessah vadda? - bessahrah (used with m nouns)
’Sis en bessahrah vayk fa sell lanna. - bessahri (used with f nouns)
Is dess en bessahri zeit fa dich kawla?
Better (one) noun = bessahrah
Ich binn en teacher avvah du bisht en bessahrah.
Better (thing) noun = bessahs (a better thing. Note the -s at the end of bessah)
Miah kenna shuah sei es ebbes bessahs kumma is.
Bible Study noun = da Bivvel Shtoddi
Bible Talk noun = da Bivvel Talk (most commonly when referring to a public talk)
Bird noun = es birdi (common) / da fohl (less common)
- Birds noun = di birdis plural (common) / di feyyel plural (less common)
Bit noun = es gebiss (steel part of bridle that goes in an animal’s mouth)
Blame verb = blayma
Bless verb = blessa
Blessed adj = geblest
Miah sinn geblest.
Blessings noun = di blessings
Boo-boo noun = atzi (an ouchy; used for pain with very small children)
Booked adj = beshteld (See also scheduled (adj)) (Technically a borrowed German word, but often used in print when talking about upcoming events.)
Da class is beshteld alli Samshdawk.
Boot noun = da shtiffel
- Boots noun = di shtiffel plural
Bothered verb = gebaddaht past tense
Bowl (small) noun = di shisli
Bowl (large bowl) noun = di shissel (serving bowl or large mixing bowl)
Brave adj = brayf
Bridle noun = da zohm (animal’s headgear; usually containing the bit and reins)
Bright adj
- breiyt (with a neu noun)
- breiyti (with f and pl nouns)
- breiytah (with a m noun)
Buggy noun = es buggy
Built adj = gebaut
Si sinn gebaut mitt hols.
Busy adj = bissi
Busier = bissiyah
Calm adj = kawm (See also still (quiet))
Cards noun = di koada plural
Ich kann baut nett voahra fa koada shpeela.
Carve out / chip out verb = raus tshibba
Cause verb = kawsa
Certain adj:
- sirten (with neu nouns)
- sirtendi (with f nouns)
- sirtendah (with m nouns)
Challenges noun = di challenges plural
Chance noun = di chance
Change noun = da tshaynsh
- Changes noun = di tshaynshes plural
Change verb = tshaynsha
- (ich) tshaynsh
- (du) tshaynsht
- (eah/see/es) tshaynsht
- (miah) tshaynsha
- (diah) tshaynshet
- (si) tshaynsha
- Changed verb = getshaynsht past tense
Chapter noun = da chapter
- Chapters noun = di chapters plural
Check verb = tshekka
Chew verb = tshawwa
Chip out / carve out verb = raus tshibba
Choice noun = da choice
- Choices noun = di choices plural
Choose verb = tshoosa
- (ich) tshoos
- (miah) tshoosa
- (diah) tshooset
- (si) tshoosa
- Chose verb = getshoost past tense
Choose from verb = raus laysa (pick out; select from)
Ich habb di fauli aebbeahra raus laysa.
- Chose from verb = raus glaysa past tense
Christians noun = di Christians plural (more common)
Veah sinn rechti Christians?
Church rules noun = di adninga / di adlinga plural
Clear adj = clear (not kliah)
- Clearly adj = clearly
Close verb = zu macha (opposite of open)
(Note: These work together but do not have to be right next to each other in the sentence)
Mach di deah zu.
Ich zayl di deah zu macha.
Close adj:
- klohsi (used with f and pl nouns)
klohsi friends - klohsah (used with m nouns)
en klohsah friend
Closed adj = zu gmacht
’S buch is zu gmacht.
Color noun = da kollah
- Colors noun = di kollahs plural
Di blettah funn di baym sinn am kollahs tshaynsha.
Collect verb = kalekta | kollekta
Come Up verb = ufkumma (as in to occur or come to attention)
Shpendet zeit shvetza mitt eiyah kinnah, nett yusht vann problems ufkumma.
Comfort noun = kamfirt
Comfort verb = kamfirta
- (eah/see/es) kamfirt
- (miah) kamfirta
- (si) kamfirta
Comforting adj = kamfirting
Coming together phrase = am zammah kumma (progress is being made)
Alles is am zammah kumma.
Common adj = common (more common)
- kommini (with f and pl nouns) (less common)
Compare verb = kamperra
Congregation noun = di congregation
Content adj = zufridda
Ich binn zufridda mitt vass ich habb.
Continue verb = ohhalda
- Continued verb = ohkalda past tense
Control noun = kantrohl
Control verb = kantrohla
- (eah/see/es) kantrohld
- (miah) kantrohla
- (si) kantrohla
- Controlled verb = kantrohld past tense
Convention noun = di convention
Cooperate verb = koahberayda
Copy noun = kabbi
- Copies noun = di kabbis plural
Copy verb = kabbiya
Correct adj = recht
Correct verb = korekta
Cost noun = di kosht
Counsel noun = es counsel
Counter noun = da counter
Couple noun = di couple (as in married. See also married people.)
Couple adj = poah (as in amount; also a few)
Courage noun = da courage
Crooked adj = shep
Cut verb = shneida (often with scissors. Never used when talking about wood; use saw (verb) instead.)
— compare with saw (verb) and shpalda (verb)
Si sinn di rekk shneida.
Ich muss mei hoah shneida.
Dangerous adj = kfeahlich
’Sis kfeahlich fa lawfa inna blatz’s dunkel is unni en licht.
Daughter noun = es maydel / ’s maydel (common)
- Daughters noun = di mayt plural
Day noun = da dawk
Day adj = dawk (as in daylight, daytime)
Ich zayl’s du veil’s dawk is.
Day after tomorrow = ivvah meiya (See also Times of Day)
Day before yesterday = foah geshtah (See also Times of Day)
Dead noun = di dohda (common, as a group)
Kenna di dohda aekshli viddah layva?
Dead adj = doht (as in condition, used with form of sei — not to be confused with da doht)
When using doht without a noun, include the form of sei depending on the pronoun.
Vann du bisht doht…
Da giant is doht uf da bodda kfalla!
- dohdi adj (with f or pl nouns)
Di dohdi animals.
Deal verb = deela (to endure or handle; often used along with mitt)
- (ich) deel
- (miah) deela
- (si) deela
- Dealed verb = gedeelt past tense
Death noun = da doht (common)
Gott hast da doht; eah gukk’s oh vi en enemy.
- shtauves noun (used in Bible, but less common)
Decide verb = diseiyda
- (du) deseiytsht
- (eah/see/es) diseiyt
- (miah) diseiyda
- (diah) diseiydet
- (si) diseiyda
- Decided verb = diseiyt past tense
Decision noun = da decision
Vass zayld helfa fa en goodah decision macha?
- Decisions noun = di decisions plural
Dedicate (oneself) verb = layva fa Jehova (personally deciding to live for God, done before becoming baptized; lit: living for Jehovah)
Deep adj = deef
- deefi adj (with f nouns)
Deeper adj
- deefah (with neu and m nouns)
- deefahri (with f and pl nouns)
Delete verb = dileeda
Deliberately adv = poahbes (Not to be confused with the purpose or desire (noun) of something.)(See also on purpose)
Ich habb nett poahbes.
Depend verb = dipenda
Desire noun = da villa
Vi vissa miah es Gott nett sei villa getshaynsht hott fa mensha?
Destroy verb = distroiya
- (miah) distroiya
- (si) distroiya
- Destroyed verb = distroit past tense
Da hund hott da shoo distroit.
Destroyed adj = distroit (usually accompanied by sei or vadda)
Di shtatt zayld distroit vadda bei da shtoahm.
Devour verb = fressa (see also animals eat)
Kaeffahra un termites fressa di baym un’s hols.
Dictionary noun = di dictionary
Die verb = shtauva (humans)
- Died verb = kshtauva past tense (humans)
Die verb = doht gay (animals)
- Died verb = doht ganga past tense (animals)
Difference noun = da diffans (not da unnahshitt)
Different adj:
- diffand (with neu nouns)
- diffandi (with f nouns)
- diffandah (with m nouns)
Direction noun = es direction (as in guidance or instructions)
Miah sedda’s direction trosta funn unsah eldra.
Discipline noun = dissaplin
Dissaplin veist leevi.
Disciplined adj = dissaplind (often with sei or vadda)
Vi doon samm aekta vann si dissaplind vadda bei iahra eldra?
Disease noun
- di disease (common)
- di granket (still often used)
Distract verb = distraekta
Divide verb = diveiyda
- (miah) diveiyda
- (si) diveiyda
Donation noun = dohnayshin
- Donations noun = di dohnayshins plural
Donation adj = dohnayshin
dohnayshin boxa
Door noun = di deah
- Doors noun = di deahra plural
Doubts noun = di doubts plural
Ich kann dei questions ensahra vann du doubts hosht.
Doubt verb = dowda | zveifla
Download verb = daunlohda (see other Technology Words)
Draw closer verb = naychah kumma (as in, to strengthen or deepen a relationship with someone)
Vi kann ma naychah kumma zu anri?
Dress verb = ohdu (as in, to put on (a clothing item), or to get dressed) (See also put on (clothes))
Miah missa obedient sei fa en mask ohdu.
- (miah) ohdu
- (si) ohdu
- Dressed verb = Ohgedu past tense
Ich habb mei rokk ohgedu.
Dress verb = dressa (as in, to dress in a certain way.)
Miah gevva praise zu Gott bei vi shay es miah dressa.
- (miah) dressa
- (si) dressa
- Dressed verb = gedrest past tense (See also put on past tense)
Hosht du gedrest fa di hochtzich?
Dressed adj = gedrest (use with a form of sei or vadda)
Diah sind shay gedrest heit.
Dress up verb = ufdressa
Dried up verb = ufgedrikkeld past tense
Drive around verb = rumm foahra
Earned verb = fadeend past tense
Earned adj = fadeend
Earthquake noun = da earthquake
Easy = eesi
- Easier = eesiyah
Eat verb
- Eat = essa (humans)
Di Becky un di Maria essa iahra middawk. - Eat = fressa (animals)
Elder noun = da elder (in congregation)
- Elders noun = di elders (in congregation)
Encourage verb = enkiritsha
Ended up verb = ufgend (the result) past tense
Vi hott’s ufgend?
Enemy noun = da enemy (not feind)
- Enemies noun = di enemies plural (not
Enforce verb = enforsa
Enjoy verb = enjoya
- (eah/see/es) enjoyt
- (miah) enjoya
- (diah) enjoyet
- (si) enjoya
- Enjoyed verb = enjoyt past tense
etc phrase = un so veidah (and so forth; and so on)
Every once in a while phrase = alli-gebott
Alli-gebott setsht du dei teiyahs inshpekta fa shuah macha es si in goot shape sinn.
(this) Evening = dinohvet (See also Times of day)
Everyone pro = alli ebbah
Verbs that go with alli ebbah are conjugated for he/she/it — not they.
Alli ebbah is am goot du.
Everything pro = alles
Verbs that go with alles are conjugated for he/she/it — not they.
Everything keeps changing phrase = Alles hald on tshaynsha.
Everywhere = alli-vo
Exactly = grawt (see also words immediately and straight)
Sell is grawt vass ich brauch!
Example noun = da example (not foahbild)
- Examples noun = di examples plural
Expect verb = ekshpekta
Explain verb = ekshplayna
- (ich) ekshplayn
- (eah/see/es) ekshplaynd
- (miah) ekshplayna
- (diah) ekshplaynet
- (si) ekshplayna
- Explained verb = ekshplaynd past tense
Explain verb = auslayya (literally lay it out)
- (ich) auslayk
- (du) auslayksht
- (eah/see/es) auslaykt
- (miah) auslayya
- (diah) auslayyet
- (si) auslayya
- Explained verb = ausglaykt past tense
Extract verb = ekstraekta
Face verb = faysa
Fair adj = feah (reasonable and just)
Faithful adj:
- faythfel (with n nouns)
Eah voah faythfel even vann… - faythfeli (with f or pl nouns)
faythfeli examples
selli es faythfeli
The Faithful and Discreet Slave noun = Di Faythfel Slave Mitt Veisheit
Family noun = di family
Family Worship = Family-Zeit Fa Jehova
Far adj = veit
Vass henn miah gland so veit?
Even vann’s veit is fa gay, doon miah alsnoch reklah zammah kumma.
Far off adj = veit ab
Miah gayn even zu areas es veit ab sinn.
Feelings noun = di feelings (not kfeelah) (opinions or emotions)
Fell verb = kfalla past tense
(Even though it’s past tense, use with a form of sei.)
Da bohm is nunnah kfalla.
Fetch verb = hohla (to get or retreive something or someone)
Ich zayld een hohla.
- (ich) hohl
- (eah/see/es) hohld
- (miah) hohla
- (si) hohla
- Fetched verb = kohld past tense
Fewer adj = vennichah
Field service noun = di ministry (not feld deensht)
Figure out verb = aus fikkahra
Fill out verb = ausfilla
Find out verb = ausfinna
- Found out verb = auskfunna past tense
Finish verb = faddich macha (conjugate macha)
(Note: Both words work together but do not have to be right next to each other in the sentence.)
Macht da lesson faddich.
- Finished verb = faddich gmacht past tense
Du da dawk nei vann da lesson faddich gmacht hosht.
First (see also language lesson Eahsht vs S’eahsht vs Seahsht)
- First adj = eahsht (with nouns)
Gukket da eahsht paragraph. - First adj = ’s eahsht (with singular neuter nouns)
(Note: The es often is shortened to ’s and often gets pronounced together with eahsht. You will be most likely to hear it at the start of a sentence.)
’S eahsht moll es ich do voah, habb ich dich kolfa’s haus butza. - First adv = seahsht (with verbs)
Miah missa seahsht lanna vi.
Fisherman noun = da fishah
- Fishermen noun = di fishah plural
Ich habb zvay fishah ksenna geshtah.
Fixed verb = kfixt past tense
Fixed adj = kfixt
Flake noun = da flokka
- Flakes noun = di flekka plural
’Sis am shnayya un di flekka sinn grohs.
Flat adj = flaett
Si sinn uf’s flaett dach funn iahra haus.
The Flood noun = di Sindfloot
Foggy adj (See post nevlich and dufftich)
Follow verb = fallohwa
Follow (an example) verb = nohch kumma (to follow after someone and do what they did)
Sei foos-dabba nohch kumma.
Followers noun = di followers plural
For (it) = difoah (usually used when putting for at the end of a thought or sentence) (Compare with previously)
Veah is da boi gmacht difoah?
Forgetful adj = fagesslich
Footsteps / Footprints noun = di foos-dabba plural
Force verb = forsa
Miah kenna nett leit forsa fa ebbes du es miah vella.
Forenoon = fammidawk (See also Times of day)
- This forenoon = difammidawk (See also Times of day)
Found adj = kfunna (used with sei or vadda)
’Sis ’s information es kfunna is in di library.
Free adj = free (not frei)
Sell is da vayk es miah free sei kenna.
Freedom noun = da freedom
Friend noun = da friend (not freind)
Friendship noun = da friendship
From prep (See Prepositions lesson guide)
- from = funn (to introduce a noun; most common)
- from = difunn (at the end of sentence or thought)
Frosty adj = frushtich
Fulfill verb = folfilla
- Fulfilled verb = folfild past tense
Fulfilled adj = folfild (often with sei or vadda)
- foll (filled; complete)
- satt (after eating food; satisfied)
Fun noun
- fann
- kshposs (something really or very fun)
Miah henn kshposs katt geshtah!
Fun adj
- fann
- fitt (see also good)
Sell voah fitt!
Funeral noun = da leicht
Future noun = da future
Gate noun = es doah (or large door)
- Gate noun = di doahra plural
Get ahold of verb = hohld greeya funn (to contact)
greeya is the verb in the phrase, so it gets conjugated to the proper pronoun.
Sell’s en eesiyah vayk fa hohld greeya funn uns.
Get rid of (something) phrase = ritt vadda
Glad adj = froh
Go on verb = on gay / on (shorten version)
Bisht du reddi fa on?
Good = goot
- Really good = adlich goot | reeli goot
- Pretty good = zimmlich goot
Good adj = fit (describing something)
Dess grumbeahra mush is fit!
Good news noun (news in general or good news from the Bible)
- di good news (news in general or from the Bible)
- di goodi sacha (older term)
Governed verb = gegoverned past tense
Governing Body noun = di Drubb es Foahgayt
Verbs that go with di Drubb es Foahgayt are conjugated for he/she/it — not they.
Government noun = da government (as in a general or modern-day government)
— compare kingdom
- Governments noun = di governments plural
Great Crowd noun = di Grohs Drubb
Verbs that go with di Grohs Drubb are conjugated for he/she/it — not they.
The Great Tribulation noun = di grohs dreebsawl
Greedy adj = greedi
Grew up verb = ufgvaxa past tense (Use with a form of sei.)
Dess is vo ich ufgvaxa binn.
Grieve verb = greeva
Group noun = di drubb
Verbs that go with di drubb are conjugated for he/she/it — not they.
Grown up adj = ufgvaxa (use with sei or vadda)
Zayla dei kinnah goot bleiva vann si ufgvaxa sinn?
Guard verb = garda
Guide verb = geida
- (eah/see/es) geit
- (miah) geida
- (si) geida
- Guided verb = gegeid past tense
Guided adj = gegeid
Handle verb = haendla
(See also deela)
Happen verb = haebna
- (eah/see/es) haebbend
- Happened verb = kaebbend past tense
Happy adj = haebbi
Hard adj = hatt
(See also really (for emphasis))
Harder adj = haddah
Es voah haddah fa see.
Hardest adj = hatsht
Sell voah’s hatsht ding.
Harness noun = es ksha
Harvest verb = harvesta
Hassle noun = vattshaft
’Sis en vattshaft!
Hated verb = kast past tense
Da hund hott di katz kast.
Hated adj = kast (to be or become hated; used with forms of sei or vadda)
’Sis nett eesi vann du kast bisht.
Have I verb = havvich (combination of ‘habb ich’; used after time words)
Shpaydah, havvich en appointment.
Vann ich 18 voah, havvich en latt zeit kshpend shaffa.
Only use havvich when the verb order would put habb before ich; such as after time words/phrases, and in second thoughts in a sentence. Otherwise, just use ich habb.
Vass havvich gedu heit fa veisa es ich respekt habb fa anri?
Ich habb mei shoo faliahra.
It’s perfectly fine to just use habb ich instead of havvich. But havvich flows a little better when spoke.
Have the opinion or viewpoint verb = mayna (not used the same as mean (verb))
— See also view
’S mensht leit mayna es is.
Vann du maynsht es’s zu feel is fa deela mitt…
- (ich) mayn
- (du) maynsht
- (eah/see/es) maynd
- (miah) mayna
- (diah) maynet
- (si) mayna
- Had the opinion or viewpoint verb = gmaynd past tense
Ich habb gmaynd alli-ebbah voah feah am getreet vadda, avvah ich habb glei auskfunna sell is nett voah.
Headache noun = kobb vay
Health noun = health
Mei health is shlimmah un shlimmah vadda.
Health adj = health (with another noun)
Hosht du ennich health problems?
Healthy adj = ksund
Unsah kinnah sinn ksund.
Help noun = di hilf
Help verb = helfa
- Helped verb = kolfa past tense
Hitch verb = eishpanna (an animal to a buggy or implement)
Ich muss gay di geil eishpanna.
- Hitched verb = eikshpand past tense
Ich habb da gaul eikshpand.
Hitched adj = eikshpand (used with forms of sei or vadda)
Da gaul is shund eikshpand.
Hold back verb = zrikk hayva (to keep from doing or saying something. Conjugate hayva based on the noun/pronoun)
Homes noun = di haymeda plural (not haymedah)
Honor noun = da honor
Humble adj = humble (not daymeedich)
Humility noun = humility (not daymoot)
Hurry! phrase = Dabbah! (as a command)
- Hurt noun = di shmatza (the pain you feel)
Di dohda vissa nix so si kenna kenn shmatza shpiahra. - Hurt verb = shmatza (to feel pain)
- Hurt verb = kshmatzt past tense (to have felt pain in past)
- Hurt verb = vay du (to injure or cause pain)
- Hurt verb = vay gedu past tense (to have injured or caused pain)
Idea noun = da idea (not eidi)
- Ideas noun = di ideas plural
If = vann (as in, if this, then that; not to be confused with whether.) (See also Eb vs Vann language lesson)
Illustration noun = da illustration (as in an example or story used to teach) (See also parable)
Imitate verb = immatayda
- (eah/see/es) immatayt
- (miah) immatayda
- (si) immatayda
- (diah) immataydet
- Imitated verb = immatayt past tense
Imperfect adj = impirfikti (with f nouns)
Important adj:
- importand (with neu nouns)
- importandi (with f and pl nouns)
- importandah (with m nouns)
in a = inna (combination of in and en) (not innen)
Brenna inna feiyahrichi hell fa’immah is nett even feah in Gott sei awwa.
in the = im (combination when used with masculine or neuter nouns)
Include verb = inclooda
- (ich) = incloot (also used in commands)
- (miah) = inclooda
- (si) = inclooda
Included adj = include
Vass alles is include in da job?
Including = including (as well as, in addition to)
…including shlimm veddah, earthquakes, un sacha vi sell.
Inspect verb = inshpekta
Instead = in blatz (not imblatz)
In blatz funn sell, eah vill havva es miah layva enjoya.
Interested adj = innarest (often used with sei or vadda)
Interesting adj = innaresting
- innarestingah (with m nouns)
- innarestingi (with f and pl nouns)
Interfere verb = interfera
Internet noun = da internet
Interrupt verb = innarobda
Into / in = nei (usually grouped with a verb) (Compare with new)
Vass kann uns helfa fa nett nei gevva zu temptations?
Log nei.
Invited adj = kaysa (often with a form of sei or vadda)
Du bisht kaysa.
Involved adj = involved (often with sei)
Inward adj = nei-zuss (toward the inside, center, or interior)
Isn’t it? / is that not so? / right? = gell (used at end of a sentence as a confirmation of something)
Dei daett shaft mitt construction, gell?
Miah henn samm reeli shayni dawwa katt, gell?
Joy noun = da joy
Joyful adj = joyful
Judge verb = judga (no longer tshotsha)
Judged verb = gejudged past tense
Judged adj = gejudged (used with a form of sei or vadda)
Juice noun = di bree
abbel bree
- yusht
Yusht vi en goodah daett es’s besht vill fa sei kinnah… - so vi (literally, just like)
Miah macha goot yoos funn modern technology so vi da internet.
Keep in mind (to continue remembering) verb = meind halda (See also remember)
Keep up with verb = ufhalda mitt
’Sis hatt fa ufhalda mitt alles es am gay is in di news.
Killed verb = doht gmacht (needs helper verb for whoever is doing the killing)
Kingdom noun
— compare government
Kingdom Hall noun = da Fasamling Blatz
- Kingdom Halls noun = di Fasamling Bletz plural
Kiss verb
Know verb
- know verb = vissa (to know information or a fact)
- know verb = kenna (to know or recognize a person) (not to be confused with can)
- (ich) kenn
- (du) kensht
- (eah/see/es) kend
- (miah) kenna
- (diah) kennet
- (si) kenna
- gekend verb past tense
Language noun = di language
- Languages noun = di languages plural
Last verb = laesta
Last night = geshtrohvet (See also Times of day)
Law noun = es gebott
- Laws noun = di gebodda plural (not
ksetzunless speaking about a set of laws. See Mosaic Law)
Leave verb = lossa (as in to leave an item behind)
Ich loss een en message.
- Left verb = glost past tense
Ich habb een en message glost.
Leave off verb = ablossa (as in not include)
Du kansht’s ablossa.
Leave open / leave up (to) (a decision) verb = uf lossa
Loss di doah uf. (as in open)
Ich zayld’s uf lossa zu dich. (as in choice)
- left open / left up (to) (a decision) verb = uf glost past tense
Less adj = vennichah
Lesson noun = da lesson
In deah lesson, zayla miah lanna veyyich…
Let verb = lossa (see also leave)
Loss mich helfa!
Let someone know phrase = vissa lossa (as in to tell someone something)
Ich zayld si vissa lossa. (I will let them know.)
Ich voah nett haebbi diveyya un habb si vissa glost. (I was not happy about it and I let them know about it.)
vissa lossa can be used in a friendly way (let someone know something) or an unfriendly way (let them know it) depending on the context.
Conjugate lossa as needed.
Library noun = di library
Life noun = es layva (the life a person or animal possesses)
Unsah layva is simple.
Miah henn nett en pirfikt layva, avvah miah sinn haebbi.
- like verb (as in, to enjoy) = gleicha
- like (as in, similar) = vi
Likely adj = aebt
Lion noun = da lion (layb is only used in the Bible)
— compare with loaf (noun)
’Sis en grohsah lion.
Listen (to) verb = abheicha
— compare with obey (verb)
Eah abheicht zu dich.
- Listened verb = abkeicht past tense
Da Marlin hott abkeicht zu da warning.
Live verb
- live = layva (to exist) (not to be confused with life noun)
Da vayk es miah layva…
Oh kaynich, layb fa’immah!
Vi kansht du leevi veisa fa anri bei da vayk es du laybsht? - live = voona (to dwell or reside somewhere)
- (ich) voon
Ich voon in Daviess county. - (du) voonsht
Vo voonsht du? - (eah/see/es) voond
- (miah) voona
Miah voona do. - (diah) voonet
Vo voonet diah? - (si) voona
- lived verb = gvoond past tense (as in dwelled)
Vi lang hend diah datt gvoond?
- (ich) voon
Loaf noun = da layb (as in bread)
— compare with lion (noun)
Ich habb en layb broht gebakka.
Miah henn fimf layb broht.
- When using layb along with a noun, it does not need funn (of). (See first example above)
- When talking about more than one loaf, you do not need to make layb plural. (See second example above)
Log in verb = log nei (see other Technology Words)
Lose verb = faliahra
- (ich) faliah
- (du) faliahsht
- (eah/see/es) faliaht
- (miah) faliahra
- (diah) faliahret
- (si) faliahra
- Lost verb = faloahra past tense
Lost adj = faloahra (used with form of sei or vadda)
Miah sinn faloahra.
Lot (as in ‘a lot’ or many) = en latt
Vass hott da Shawn kolfa fa ohhalda en latt respect havva fa anri?
When using en latt, it does not need funn (of) after it.
Loud adj = laut
(Compare with sound (verb) and out loud)
Sellah hund is laut!
Love noun = di leevi
Loving adj:
- loving (with neu nouns)
- lovingi (with f or pl nouns)
- lovingah (with m nouns)
Loyal adj = loyal (not shtandhaftich)
Made up verb = ufgmacht past tense
Made up adj = ufgmacht (often with sei)
Mail noun = di mail (as in, the post)
Ich zayl eich en breef shikka in di mail.
Main adj:
- mayn (with neu nouns)
- mayni (with f or pl nouns)
- maynah (with m nouns)
Make ends meet = endah meeda macha (as in, financially)
Ich habb genunk geld fa endah meeda macha.
Map noun = di maeb
Married people noun = di keiyahri leit
Marriage noun = es keiyaht layva
Matters phrase
- it matters = es macht ebbes aus / ’s macht ebbes aus
- it doesn’t matter = es macht nix aus / ’s macht nix aus
- it doesn’t make a difference = es batt nix
Mattress noun = di mattress
Mean verb = mayna
— compare with to have the opinion (verb)
Sell’s vass ich mayn.
Meaning noun = di mayning
Sell gebt mei layva en rechti mayning.
Meditate verb = meddatayda
Meeting noun = di fasamling
- Meetings noun = di fasamlinga plural
Meeting Parts
- Unsah Ministry un Vi Miah Layva
- 1st Treasures Funn di Bivvel
- Spiritual Gems
Keshtlichi Sacha
- Spiritual Gems
- 2nd Fa Bessah Vadda in di Ministry
- Starting a Conversation = En Conversation Shteahra
- Following Up = Viddah Zrikk Gay
- Making Disciples = Yingah Macha
- Explaingin Your Beliefs = Dei Glawva Ekshplayna
- 3rd Fa Layva vi Christians
Mention verb = menshind
Mentioned adj = gmenshind (often with sei)
Mess up verb = fadutza (to cause something to be out of order; scrambled)
- Messed up verb = fadutzt past tense
Vann ich kfalla binn, habb ich di papers fadutzt.
Messed up adj = fadutzt / fadutztich
Message noun = da message
(this) Mid-day = dimiddawk (See also Times of day)
Midweek meeting = deichdivoch fasamling
Might verb = mechta
- (ich) mecht
- (du) mechsht
- (eah/see/es) mecht
- (miah) mechta
- (diah) mechtet
- (si) mechta
Ministry Workbook (Life & Ministry Workbook) noun = es Ministry un Layva Fasamling Workbuch
Ministry noun = di ministry (not feld deensht) (See also preaching work noun)
Miss verb = fafayla
- Missed verb = fafayld past tense
Mocking noun = shpoddes (ridicule; what a person experiences)
Vann di kinnah an shool voahra, missa si deela mitt shpoddes.
Mop verb = mabba
Morning = meiya (See also Times of day)
- This morning = dimeiyet (See also Times of day)
- Early morning = meiya free (See also Times of day)
- Tomorrow morning = meiya free (See also Times of day)
Move verb = moofa
Move verb = zeeya (as in to move residence)
Vann sinn si nei am zeeya?
- Moved verb = gezohwa past tense (as in moved residence)
Nearly adv = baut (see also about)
Need verb (See also Need language lesson)
- need (an item) = braucha
Miah awl braucha encouragement grawt nau.
Ich brauch en pencil. - need (to do something) = missa / sedda (as in, must / should)
Miah missa sobbah essa.
Si sedda middawk essa.
- No = nay (only used to answer questions)
- No / none = kenn (none, not any — used with a noun)
kenn maemm
kenn shtauves - No / none = kens (when used directly in front of funn)
Kens funn si feels es si di leaders sinn. - Not = nett (not
naett) (as in opposite of something) - Never = nee nett | selayva nett (See also Never language lesson)
Necessary = nohtvendich (not nohdvendich)
Neighbor noun = da nochbah
- Neighbors noun = di nochbahra plural (not
New Testament noun = es Neiy Teshtament
New World Translation noun = di New World Translation
New adj : (Compare with into/in)
- neiy (with neuter nouns)
- neiyah (with m nouns)
- neiyi (with f nouns)
Newer adj = neiyah
Is deah neiyah es di anri?
Newest adj = neiysht
(last) Night = geshtrohvet (See also Times of day)
No longer adv = nimmi (used with a verb; Compare with anymore)
Mei bays is fabrocha un ich kann nimmi shpringa.
Words no longer (nimmi) and anymore (may) are similar. The main difference is: nimmi goes along with a verb; may can be used by itself (usually at the end of a sentence).
No one pro = nimmand (common)
Verbs that go with nimmand are conjugated for he/she/it — not they.
Nimmand vatt betzawld, avvah alli-ebbah grikt ess-sach un en blatz fa voona.
No one pro = kenni (as in not a single person/thing; often used by itself in reply and for emphasis)
Noisy adj = yachtich
Di boova sinn yachtich alli-moll es si Mt Dew henn.
None = kenn (none, not any — used with a noun)
- None = kens (when used directly in front of funn)
Not yet. phrase = Nett noch / Noch nett
Ich voah yusht noch nett reddi fa tshaynshes macha in mei layva.
The phrase nett noch (or noch nett) can be used by itself as a sentence, or included as part of a sentence.
When used as part of a sentence, it’s usually noch nett. (See example above)
But when used by itself:
- Nett noch tends to be positive/hopeful.
- Noch nett tends to be used for something that the person speaking isn’t looking forward to., or when the speaker doesn’t really expect will happen.
Notice verb
- (ich) nohdes (often used at the start of a sentence for a command)
Now days
- nau dawks
- heidich’s dawk
Nowhere = neiyetz
Number noun = da nambah
- Numbers noun = di nambahs plural
Obey verb = heicha
— compare listen (verb)
Miah missa Gott heicha.
- Obeyed verb = keicht past tense
Si hott iahra maemm keicht.
Of them = funna
Samm funna henn parts missing.
Vels funna gleichsht’s besht?
Offer verb = offera
Often = oft (frequently; compare with oftentimes.)
Deah vayk is oft da vayk es miah gayn.
(more) Often = eftah
Sell haebbend eftah es difoah.
Oftentimes = als (usually connected with a verb. See also once; compare with oft)
’S vatt is als getrenslayt “veld”.
Old adj (as in age)
- ald (with neuter nouns)
’S macht nix aus vi ald es du bisht. - aldah (with m nouns)
- aldi (with f and plural nouns)
Older adj = eldah (as in comparison to something else)
Vi doon selli es eldah sinn shpiahra veyyich yungi?
Ich binn eldah heit es ich voah geshtah!
’Sis hatt fa eldah vadda.
- eldahra (with m nouns)
Shvetz mitt dei eldahra broodah diveyya. - eldri (with f and plural nouns)
Eldri shveshtra braucha hilf.
Shvetz mitt dei eldri shveshtah diveyya.
Oldest adj = eldsht
Once = als (at one time, oftentimes)
Leit henn vennichah leevi es si als katt henn.
Old (people) noun = di eldri plural
Vi kenna eldri un yingahri nannah helfa?
One (number) = ayn (See also ay, ayn, ayns, and vann language lesson)
Miah henn drei geil: zvay sinn brau, un ayn is shvatz.
One = ay (a single item) (See also ay, ayn, ayns, and vann language lesson)
Ay mann un ay fraw.
One (of) = ayns (one of several; always used with funn) (See also ay, ayn, ayns, and vann language lesson)
Sell is ayns funn di reesins es miah shaffa missa.
One pro = vann (when refering to another person)
When used as a pronoun, vann will use da or di right in front of it — depending on whether the noun being replaced is masculine or feminine.
Da Andy is da vann es ‘s haus gebaut hott.
Di Donna is di vann es ‘s broht gmacht hott.
- Ones pro = di vans plural (as in other people)
Oneself pro = em (more personal. See also us)
Open verb = uf macha (opposite of close)
Mach dei maul uf.
Ich zayl di deah uf macha.
Openly adv = fanna rumm (opposite of secretly)
Opportunity noun = di gleyyaheit | di opportunity
Ouchy noun = atzi (a boo-boo; used for pain with very small children)
- unsah (when talking to a group)
- em sei (more personal; when having a conversation with someone)
(out) loud adj = laut
(with a verb, it often means out loud)
(See also loud and sound (verb))
Kansht du di shrift laut laysa?
Favass du ich nett laut laysa…
Own pro = ayknes
Uf unsah ayknes kenna miah nett acht gevva uf alles.
Own verb = aykna
- (du) aykensht
- (eah/see/es) aykend
- (miah) aykna
- (diah) ayknet
- (si) aykna
- Owned verb = gaykend past tense
Own adj:
- aykni (with f and pl nouns)
- ayknah (with m nouns)
Page noun = es paytsh
- Pages noun = di paytshes plural
Paid adj = betzawld
Ich vatt nett betzawld koss ich binn en volunteer.
Pantry noun = di botri (place for storing food)
Parable noun = es gleichnis (as in a story used to teach; similar to an illustration)
Paragraph noun = da paragraph
Parents noun = di eldra plural
(Note: It’s more natural to use the words maemm and daett instead of eldra in conversations. And it’s more natural to do it in that order: “mom and dad”.)
Part noun = es part
Participate verb = participayda
Particular adj = patiklah
Past = fabei (as in direction)
Gay fabei. Si sinn nett dihaym.
’S nett en dawk’s fabei gayt…
Patience noun (a quality)
- patience
- geduld (less common outside of the Bible)
Patient adj (what someone is)
- patient
- geduldich
Patiently adv = patiently (how someone does something)
Ich binn am patiently voahra biss ich healthy binn.
Peace noun = peace (common)
- fridda (less common)
Peaceful adj = peaceful (does not change for the noun it goes with)
Perfect adj:
- pirfikt (with neu noun)
- pirfiktah (with m noun)
- pirfikti (with f nouns)
Perfection noun = pirfekshin
Person noun = da person
- People noun = di leit plural
Pet verb = shtreicha (lit to stroke)
Shtreich nett da hund!
Phone noun = da phone
Phrase noun = da frays
Phrases noun = di frayses plural
Pick verb = pikka
- (ich) pikk
- (du) piksht
- (miah) pikka
- (si) pikka
Pick out verb = raus laysa (choose from; select from)
Ich habb di fauli aebbeahra raus laysa.
- Picked out verb = raus glaysa past tense
Piled up adj = uf gepeild (used with a form of sei or vadda)
Di ksharra sinn uf gepeild.
Piled up verb = uf gepeild past tense
Miah henn di ksharra uf gepeild.
Pioneer noun = peiyneer
- Pioneers noun = di peiyneers plural
Pioneer verb = peiyneera
Pity verb = davvahra (as in to show pity, compassion, mercy; one of the strongest feelings for someone who is suffering; always used along with a noun)
Please, davvah uns un helf uns!
Ich habb’s hawsli gedavvaht.
- (ich) davvah
- (du) davvahsht
- (eah/see/es) davvaht
- (miah) davvahra
- (diah) davvahret
- (si) davvahra
- Pitied verb = gedavvaht past tense
Plain adj = playn
Plan noun = da plan
- Plans noun = di plans plural
Plan verb = plenna
Please verb = pleesa
- (ich) plees
- (eah/see/es) pleest
- (miah) pleesa
- (si) pleesa
Pleasing adj = pleesing
Plug verb = pluga
- Unplug it = unplug’s (as in a command)
Point noun = da point
Vass is da mayn point?
Position noun = da position
Post noun = da pohsta (as in a fence post)
Post verb = posta (as to mail something like a letter or post it to the internet)
Power noun = da power
Powerful adj = powerful
Practice verb = praektisa
Preach verb = breddicha
- (ich) breddich
- (du) breddichsht
- (eah/see/es) breddicht
- (miah) breddicha
- (diah) breddichet
- (si) breddicha
- Preached verb = gebreddicht past tense
Preaching (work) noun = di ministry (as in the preaching work that we do) (not breddiches)
Unsah ministry is goot organized.
Prepare verb = reddi greeya (literally, get ready) (Conjugate greeya based on who is preparing)
Prepared adj = reddi (to be prepared (ready); used with sei or vadda)
Vass kann em helfa fa goot reddi sei fa di fasamlinga?
Prepare (the table) verb = rishta (as in to get the table ready for a meal)
’Sis zeit fa da dish rishta.
Risht da dish!
Pretty much = adlich
Previously = difoah (before now, earlier) (Compare with before and for it)
Ich habb sell nett keaht difoah!
Principle noun = da principle
Print verb = prinda
Printed adj = geprind
Kann ich en geprind kabbi greeya?
Privilege noun = da privilege
- Privileges noun = di privileges plural
Problem noun = da problem
Promise noun = da promise
Promise verb = fashprecha
- Promised verb = fashprocha past tense
Prophecy noun = da prophecy
- Prophecies noun = di prophecies plural
Protect verb = protekta
Protection noun = protekshin
Proud adj = proud (not shtols)
Prove verb = proova
- (eah/see/es) prooft
- (miah) proova
- (si) proova
- Proved verb = geprooft past tense
Public Bible Discourse = Bivvel Talk fa Awl-Leit
Publication noun = da publication
Publications noun = di publications plural
Publish verb = poblisha
Published adj = gepoblisht
The Directory is gepoblisht baut alli zvay yoah.
Pulled out verb = raus gezohwa
Ich habb di veetz raus gezohwa.
(on) Purpose adj = poahbes (as in deliberately)
Ich habb nett poahbes.
Put verb = du (based on context)
- (ich) du (also used in commands)
Vi free dusht du eahpsa naus? / (EN: How early do you put peas out?)
Vann ich blohi paint uf di vand du, zayld’s en diffans macha. - (du) dusht
- (eah/see/es) dutt
- (miah) doon
Vann miah greeni paint uf di vand doon, zayld’s goot gukka. - (diah) doond
- (si) doon
- Put verb = gedu past tense
Ich habb ebbes an eiyah deah gedu.
Put into verb = nei du (conjugate du to match the noun)
Du di zeit nei vann da job faddich gmacht hosht.
- Put into verb = nei gedu past tense
Da Menno hott en latt effort nei gedu fa en job greeya.
Put on verb = ohzeeya (for example clothes) (See also dress (verb))
Ich binn mei glaydah ohzeeya.
- Put on verb = ohgezowwa past tense
Put up with verb = uf du mitt
Miah missa patiently uf du mitt unsah kinnah.
Question noun = da question
Question verb = frohwa (to ask) (see also ask)
Miah frohwa dich fa ohhalda may lanna veyyich sell.
Frohk da vann es di bichah shtoddit mitt dich.
Questioned verb = gequestioned past tense (to get answers or information from someone; for example in a courtroom setting)
Si henn mich gequestioned.
Quiet adj = shtill (see Shtill vs Alsnoch vs Noch vs Doch language lesson)
Quite a few = edlichi
Quoted verb = gekwoht past tense
Eah hott funn’s buch gekwoht.
Rain noun
- da reyya (most common)
- da raegga or da raegla (regional: Daviess County, Indiana)
Raise verb = uf zeeya (to raise children)
Raised adj = ufgezowwa (raised, as in children)
Rather = leevah
Ich dayt leevah…
Reach verb = langa
Reacted verb = react
Vi henn’s mensht leit react zu deah message?
Reading noun = es layses
Reading verb = am laysa
Reader noun = da laysah
Ready adj = reddi
Bisht reddi? Vi reddi es ich vatt.
Real = recht (as in genuine)
recht joy finna
Realized verb = realized past tense
Really = reeli
Really = hatt (for emphasis; used along with a verb)
Eah hott hatt boviaht di shlisla finna.
Si hott hatt vella fa kumma.
Reason noun = da reesin
- Reasons noun = di reesins plural
Recently = katzlich
Vass hott di Becky yusht katzlich gedu katt?
Recommended adj = rekkamend
Bichah, videos, un annah shtoft es rekkamend is.
Record verb = rekorda
Regular adj = reklah
Regret verb = shpeida
Regret verb = shpeida (conjugate)
Es shpeit mich. (I regret it.) (lit. It regrets me)
Es zayld mich shpeida. (I will regret it.) -
Regretted verb = kshpeit past tense
Sell hott mich kshpeit. (I regretted that.)
Es hott mich kshpeit. (I regretted it.)
Regret noun = regret (use the English word)
Regrets noun = di regrets plural
Relatives noun = di freindshaft plural (relations/family)
Eah is unsah freindshaft. (as in one of our relatives)
’S mensht leit shteahra bei dee goodi sacha sheira mitt iahra friends adda freindshaft.
Rely verb = releiya
Miah missa releiya uf unsah eldra vann miah baybes sinn.
Remember verb = meinda
Ich meind nau.
Remember verb = meind halda (as in keep in mind / continue to remember)
Vass dutt ebbah inna race meind halda?
Reminded verb past tense
- remind past tense
Da Jon hott si remind es eah am kumma is dimeiya. - gegmohnd past tense
Da Amos hott di Arabella droh gegmohnd es see en appointment hott.
Reminded adj = remind (use with form of sei or vadda)
Miah braucha remind vadda diveyya.
Repentant adj = recht sorry (use with form of sei or vadda)
Replace verb = replaysa
- (miah) replaysa
- (si) replaysa
- Replaced verb = replayst past tense
Respect noun = da respekt
Report verb = riporda
Resurrect verb = resurrect (common)
Resurrection noun = da resurrection (common)
- di uffashtayung noun (in the Bible or when referring specifically to Jesus’ resurrection)
Return visit = viddah zrikk gay | return visit
right? / isn’t it? / is that not so? = gell (used at end of sentence as a confirmation of something)
Dei daett shaft mitt construction, gell?
Miah henn samm reeli shayni dawwa katt, gell?
River noun = da revvah (not di revvah)
Rule verb = roola
Ruled adj = groold
’Sis di veesht veld’s groold is bei da Satan.
Ruler noun = da roolah (person with authority)
- Rulers noun = di roolahs plural
Rules noun = di rools (guidelines set by someone in authority)
Run verb
(See also guides shpringa and shprenga and Figures of Speech: Walking and Running)
- Run verb = shpringa (to move; work)
Di generator dutt shpringa.
Miah shpringa alli meiya. - Run verb = shprenga (to operate sometime like a piece of equipment)
Ich kann di equipment shprenga.
Du bisht dei maul am shprenga!
Sad adj = sad (not bedrohwa)
Zvay leit es reeli sad voahra.
Same pro = saym (as in similar or identical)
’Sis saym es sell.
Du bisht nett saym es see.
When used as a pronoun, saym does not need da or di in front of it.
Same adj:
- saym (with neu nouns)
- saymi (with f or pl nouns)
- saymah (with m nouns)
Satisfy verb = saetisfeiya
Save verb = sayva
- (miah) sayva
- (si) sayva
- Saved verb = ksayft past tense
Saved adj = ksayft (use with a form of sei or vadda)
Missa miah yusht glawva an da Jesus fa ksayft sei?
Saw verb = sayya (as in to cut up wood. Never use shneida when talking about cutting wood. Not the same as to split wood)
— compare with split (verb) and sow (verb)
Say’s hols.
Miah hols sayya fa unsah nochbah.
Schedule noun = da sketshel
Scheduled adj = beshteld (See also booked (adj)) (Technically a borrowed German word, but often used in print when talking about upcoming events.)
Da leicht is beshteld fa Samshdawk meiya.
Secretly adv = hinna rumm (opposite of openly)
Section noun = da section
Vass lanna ma funn deah section?
Select verb = selekta (pick from some options)
Select from verb = raus laysa (pick out; choose from)
Ich habb di fauli aebbeahra raus laysa.
- Selected from verb = raus glaysa past tense
- Self = selvaht
- Himself/herself/itself = sich selvaht
- Myself = mich selvaht
- Oneself = em selvaht
- Ourselves = uns selvaht
- Themselves = si selvaht (si and selvaht are often separated in sentences)
Si sinn selvaht ganga. (They went themselves.) - Yourself = dich selvaht
- Yourselves = eich selvaht
Self-control noun = self-kantrohl
Send out verb = naus shikka
Sense = sense (not sens)
Dayt’s nett yusht sense macha?
Sentence noun = da sentence
Set straight verb = recht setza (to correct something or someone) (present/future) (conjugate setza to match the pronoun)
- Set straight verb = recht ksetzt past tense
Set straight adj = recht ksetzt (to become corrected; used with sei or vadda)
Set up verb = ufsetza
Settled verb = kseddeld past tense
Shake up verb = fashidla
Du nett mei drink fashidla.
- Shaken up verb = ufkshiddeld past tense
Ich habb da drink ufkshiddeld.
Shaken up adj = ufkshiddeld (physically or emotionally; used with sei or vadda)
Miah sedda kawm bleiva un nett ufkshiddeld vadda bei vass anri du kenna.
Shaking noun = es shidles
Shame = shawt
Share verb = sherra (not sheira)
- Shared verb = ksherd past tense
Ship verb = shibba
- Shipped verb = kshibt past tense
Shipped adj = kshibt
Shortly before phrase = vennich eb
Vennich eb mei daett kshtauva is, hott eah ksawt…
Shut off verb = abshodda
Since = siddah
Single adj = single (as in not married)
Single adj = ay (as in a single item)
ay shtikk boi
Skin noun = di haut (not es haut)
Slave noun = di slave
Sled riding verb = shlidda foahra
Sling noun = di shling (as in a slingshot)
- Slings noun = di shlinga plural
Sluggish adj = shtokkich (as in someone or something that’s slow-going, slow-moving, slow to change)
Deah gaul is so shloh un shtokkich!
Di kinnah sinn am kumma. Si sinn yusht shtokkich.
Smart adj = shmeaht
- Smarter adj = shmeahdah
Snacks = noun di shnaeks
Sometimes = daylmohls or alsmoll or etmohl (varies with region and dialect)
Favass mecht’s daylmohls hatt sei…?
Miah henn feel leit assigned zu unsah group, avvah alsmoll, henn miah elf anri, es kumma funn diffandi bletz.
Somewhere = eiyetz
Du bisht am shaffa eiyetz es reeli laut is.
Son noun = da boo (common)
- Son noun = da sohn (uncommon; unless used to refer to Jesus or in the Bible)
Song noun = da song (see also metaphorical gender on how to use with pronouns)
Ma gleicha da song. Eah is fann fa singa!
Soon = glei
Sort verb = sorta
- Sorted verb = ksort past tense
Sovereignty noun = recht da roola
Special adj:
- speshel (with neu nouns)
- spesheli (with f or pl nouns)
- speshelah (with m nouns)
Speed noun = da shpeet
Spelled adj = kshpeld (often with sei)
Mach shuah es awl vadda recht kshpeld sinn fa da test.
Split verb = shpalda (as in to split something up or cause a division. Commonly used when talking about using an ax to split wood. Not the same as to cut or saw wood.)
— compare with to saw (verb)
Ich muss hols shpalda.
Iahra gmay is shpalda.
Spoon noun = es leffel (not da leffel)
’S leffel is drekkich.
Stain noun = da shtayn
Sellah shtayn is roht.
Stale verb = ohzeyya (as in to draw moisture)
- Stale verb = ohgezowwa past tense (as in turned stale)
Stale adj = ohgezowwa
’S broht is ohgezowwa.
Stand verb = shtenda (as in to bear or handle a situation)
Eah kann nett shtenda si sayna so hungahrich sei.
Stand verb = shtay (as in to stand on one’s feet)
Stands for verb = shtayt fa (as in symbolizes or means)
Di letters USA shtayt fa United States of America.
Start noun = da shteaht
Si henn en goodah shteaht katt.
Steak noun = di shtayk
Di shtayk shmakt reeli goot.
Sticky adj = babbich
Still (See also Shtill vs Alsnoch vs Noch vs Doch language lesson)
- Still (as in be still, quiet, calm) = shtill
Es is en zeit… fa shtill sei, un en zeit fa shvetza. - Still (as in up to and even now, continuing) = alsnoch
Vi vissa miah es di eahvet alsnoch results hott? - Still (to come; yet) = noch
Miah henn noch may fa du.
(See also after) - Still (as in after all, even so) = doch
Miah sinn funn alli sadda leit avvah es dutt uns doch nett diveiyda.
Stone noun = da shtay
- Stones noun = di shtay plural
Story noun = di shtoahri
- Stories noun = di shtoahris plural
Straight = grawt (see also words, exactly and immediately)
Hald oh grawt faddi noch da stop sign.
Strength noun = di graft
Eah is da vann es uns graft gebt.
Stubble noun = da shtubbel (unshaven facial hair; the whole)
Study noun = da shtoddi
Bivvel shtoddi
Vatshtavvah Shtoddi
Study verb = shtodya
- (ich) shtoddi (used also in commands)
Shtoddi di bichah mitt uns. - (du) shtoddisht
- (eah/see/es) shtoddit
- (miah) shtodya
- (diah) shtodyet
- (si) shtodya
- Studied verb = kshtoddit past tense
Study adj = shtoddi
shtoddi article
Stuff noun = es shtoft
Du kansht diffand shtoft daunlohda…
Neiy shtoft funn da shtoah.
Stumble verb = stombla
- Stumbled verb = kstombeld past tense
Stumbled adj = kstombeld
Subject noun = da subject
Such = so (when emphasizing something)
Fido is so en aldah hund.
Such / Suchlike = so (when referring to things that have already been mentioned)
Gott is nett di shuld funn earthquakes, shlimm veddah… Feel funn’s soffahres heit kumd funn so sacha.
Suffer verb = soffahra
Suffering noun = soffahres
Support noun = da support
Support verb = supporda
Surcingle noun = da bauch-gatt (belt or strap that goes under horse’s stomach to hold a saddle or pack to horse’s back)
Mach shuah da bauch-gatt teit is.
Sure enough phrase = Shuah genunk
Sympathize verb = mitt-leida (to have fellow feeling for someone)
Synchronize verb = sinkraneiysa
- Synchronized verb = sinkraneiysd past tense
Synchronized adj = sinkraneiysd (used with sei or vadda)
Talk noun = da talk (as in a speech or presentation)
Talk verb = shvetza (as in to talk; not to be confused with talk (noun))
Teach verb = teetsha
- (eah/see/es) teetsht
- (miah) teetsha
- (diah) teetshet
- (si) teetsha
- Taught = geteetsht past tense
Teacher noun = da teacher
Teaching Toolbox noun = di Teaching Toolbox
Teaching noun = di teetshing
- Teachings noun = di teetshings plural
Technology Words
- Download verb = daunlohda
- (ich) daunloht
- (miah) daunlohda
- (si) daunlohda
- Log in verb = log nei
- Look under… = Gukk unnich (when explaining where to find something on a website or a section in a book)
- Print verb = prinda
- Printed = geprind past tense
- Send verb = shikka
- Share verb = sherra
Sherra bei email. - Synchronized verb = sinkraneiysd past tense
- Tap verb = drikka
- (ich) drikk
- (miah) drikka
- (si) drikka
- Tap on / Press on = drikk uf (as a command, conjugated to ich)
- or Tap there = drikk druff (as in a command, conjugated to ich)
- Watch the video = vatsh da video
- Website noun = da website
Tear verb
- Tear verb / Rip verb = fareisa (to rip or create a tear in something)
Fareis ‘s paytsh.- (ich) fareis
- (du) fareisht
- (eah/see/es) fareist
- (miah) fareisa
- (diah) fareiset
- (si) fareisa
- Torn verb / Ripped verb = farissa past tense
(Compare with torn (adj).)
Ich habb mei hemm farissa.
- Tear (down or apart) verb
- Tear down (and trash it) = nunnah reisa or zammah reisa
Vella gay selli sheiyah zammah reisa.- (ich) reis
- (du) reisht
- (eah/see/es) reist
- (miah) reisa
- (diah) reiset
- (si) reisa
- Tear down (take apart piece by piece / disassemble) verb = farobba
Ich zayld di puzzle alles farobba.- Torn down verb = farobt past tense
Ich habb alles farobt.
- Torn down verb = farobt past tense
- Tear down (and trash it) = nunnah reisa or zammah reisa
- Tear at verb / Remove verb / Rip it out verb / Pull at hard verb = reisa (to remove it)
- Tore at verb / Removed verb / Pulled at hard = grissa past tense
Eah hott da poshta raus grissa.
- Tore at verb / Removed verb / Pulled at hard = grissa past tense
Tell verb = sawwa (same as say)
—Compare with to tell a story; narrate
- (ich) sawk
- (du) sawksht
- (eah/see/es) sawkt
- (miah) sawwa
- (diah) sawwet
- (si) sawwa
- Told verb = ksawt past tense (not
Tell verb = fazayla (as in telling a story or joke; narrating)
—Compare with tell or say
Eah is immah jokes fazayla.
Fazayl mich en shtoahri.
- (ich) fazayl
- (du) fazaylsht
- (eah/see/es) fazayld
- (miah) fazayla
- (diah) fazaylet
- (si) fazayla
- Told (a joke or story) verb = fazayld past tense
Tempted adj = getempt (often with sei or vadda)
Terrible adj = shlimm (awful)
—Compare with more intense versions worse and worst.
Than = es (used to introduce the second element in a comparison)
Da vann es di keah gmacht hott, hott may veisheit es miah henn.
- no (used to show time)
Lays es buch, un no shvetza veyyich vass miah lanna.
- dann (when talking about a result that comes from something else, for that reason, as a consequence)
Vann du dusht, dann zayld see dei friend sei.
- There adv = datt (location away from the speaker; opposite of here.)
Da hund is datt drivva. - There pro = es (“filler” pronoun; often at the start of a sentence or thought. Usually with a form of sei or voahra following.)
Es is nett genunk ess-sach in’s haus.
Thinking noun = denkes (as in the way a person thinks; opinion, viewpoint)
—See also Thank, think, thinking language lesson
Di veld iahra denkes is letz!
This time = dessamohl
Avvah dessamohl, voahra sacha diffand.
Thought noun = da thought
Sell is en goodah thought.
- Thoughts noun = di gedanka plural
Vi kenna miah vekk bleiva funn letzi gedanka un aekshins?
Tidy up verb = ufrohma
- Tidied up verb = ufgrohmd past tense
Si henn ’s haus ufgrohmd eb di fasamling.
Tidy / Tidied up adj = ufgrohmd
’S haus is so sauvah un ufgrohmd.
- Time noun = di zeit (time of day, time period)
Nemm zeit fa di bichah laysa alli dawk.- Times noun = di zeida plural (period of time)
See kamfirt een deich haddi zeida…
- Times noun = di zeida plural (period of time)
- Time noun = es moll (not
mohl) (this time, next time, last time, once)
Denk moll veyyich dess.
S’ neksht moll… - Every time = alli-moll (not
mohl) - Sometimes = daylmohls or alsmoll
Times of Day
- Today = heit
- Tomorrow = meiya
- This afternoon = dinochmidawk
- This evening = dinohvet
- This forenoon = difammidawk
- This mid-day = dimiddawk
- Morning = meiya
- This morning = dimeiyet
- Early morning = meiya free
- Tomorrow morning = meiya free
- Last night = geshtrohvet
- Tonight / this evening = dinohvet (some natives shorten it to dinoh’t)
- Yesterday = geshtah
Time flies phrase = Zeit gayt on.
- fa (generally used with a verb)
Vi fa problems ausshaffa. - zu (generally used right before a noun)
Vi kann ma naychah kumma zu anri? - ditzu (used after the subject has been mentions)
- Ditzu is often pronounced with the emphasis on the zu. You could think of it as: d’zu, da’zu)
Tobacco noun = da doowak (not doovak or duahk)
Today = heit (See also Times of day)
Tomorrow = meiya (See also Times of day)
Tomorrow morning = meiya free (See also Times of day)
Tonight = dinohvet (See also Times of day)
Too bad = shawt
Sell is shawt!
Torn adj = farissa (use with form of sei or vadda)
Mei rokk is farissa.
Tough time phrase = tuffi zeit (as in a difficult, rough period of time; similar to haddi zeit)
Tract noun = da tract
Train verb = trayna
- Trained verb = getraynd past tense
Translate verb = trenslayda
- Translated verb = getrenslayt past tense
Translation noun = trenslayshin
Trash noun = es trash
Treat verb = treeda
- (ich) treet
- (eah/see/es) treet
- (miah) treeda
- (si) treeda
- Treated verb = getreet past tense
Trials noun = di trials
Tricked adj = getrikt (as in fooled; use with sei or vadda)
Trust noun = es trost
Trust verb = trosta or drauwa
- (miah) trosta
- (diah) trostet
- (si) trosta
- Trusted verb = getrost past tense
Trusted adj = getrost (as in dependable; use with sei or vadda)
Veis es du getrost sei kansht.
Try verb = boviahra (not broviahra)
- (ich) boviah
- (du) boviahsht
- (eah/see/es) boviaht
- (miah) boviahra
- (diah) boviahret
- (si) boviahra
- Tried verb = boviaht past tense
Vi hott da boo boviaht da Frank macha ufgevva?
Try it out verb = ausboviahra
Ich habb en neiyah tool gekawft. Reddi fa’s ausboviahra?
Turn down verb = nunnah drayya (to say no to something) (conjugate drayya to the noun or pronoun)
Du nunnah draysht may rawm boi.
- Turned down verb = nunnah gedrayt past tense
Ich habb da offer nunnah gedrayt.
Under it / beneath it = unna droh
Gukk an di piktahs un vass’s sawkt unna droh.
Unharness verb = abkshadda (take off an animal’s harness)
Unhitch verb = ausshpanna (an animal from a buggy or implement)
- Unhitched verb = auskshpand past tense
Unhitched adj = auskshpand
Is da donkey auskshpand?
Unless = unni
(See also without)
Unni’s shunsht sawkt sinn di vadda gnumma funn dee buch.
Upbuild verb = ufbauwa
Upload verb = uplohda
- uns (when talking to a group)
- em (more personal; when having a conversation with someone)
Use verb = yoosa
- (ich) yoos
- (eah/see/es) = yoost
- (miah) yoosa
- (si) yoosa
- used verb = gyoost past tense
Used adj = gyoost
En trap is gyoost fa ess-sach greeya.
Used to verb = gvayna (as in to get accustomed to) (present)
Sell’s ebbes es miah gvayna missa.
Used to adj = gegvaynd (to be accustomed to) (use with a form of sei or vadda)
Mei bukkel is nett gegvaynd zu sell bett.
User noun = yoosah
Username noun = yoosah nohma
Verse noun = es verse / ’s verse
- da feahsht (older term)
Verses noun = di verses plural
- di feahshta (older term)
Very (or pretty much) = adlich
Video noun = da video
View noun = da view (viewpoint or opinion)
Favass is’s so importand fa da recht view havva?
View verb = mayna (to have a viewpoint or opinion)
— Compare with ohgukka
’S mensht leit mayna es is.
- (ich) mayn
- (du) maynsht
- (eah/see/es) maynd
- (miah) mayna
- (diah) maynet
- (si) mayna
- Viewed verb = gmaynd past tense
Ich habb gmaynd alli-ebbah voah feah am getreet vadda, avvah ich habb glei auskfunna sell is nett voah.
View verb = ohgukka (to look at something in a certain way)
— Compare with mayna
Boviah sacha ohgukka vi dei partner dutt.
- Viewed verb = ohgegukt past tense
Vote verb = vohta
War noun = da war
- Wars noun = di wars plural
Warning noun = da warning
Wasted verb = gwayst past tense
Du hosht en latt gwayst!
Wasted adj = gwayst
So feel ess-sacha is gwayst.
Watch verb = vatsha
- (ich) vatsh
- (eah/see/es) = vatsht
- (miah) vatsha
- (si) vatsha
The Watchtower (magazine) noun = Da Vatshtavvah
Weather noun = es veddah
Miah henn samm shay veddah katt.
Weekend noun = da weekend
Weird adj = weird
- weirdi (with f nouns)
- weird (with neu nouns)
When = vann (See also Eb vs Vann language lesson)
Whether = eb (when talking about 2 possible options or outcomes; not to be confused with if) (See also Eb vs Vann language lesson) (Compare with before)
Di Donna vill vissa eb du hinkel-flaysh adda fish vitt.
Which (one) (as in one in particular)
- Which (one) = vellah (with m nouns)
Vellah hoot gleichsht du’s besht? - Which (one/s) = velli (with f and pl nouns)
Velli promises gleichsht du’s besht? - Which (one) = vels (with neu nouns; when used with funn)
Da nohma sawkt vels buch in di library.
Vels funn dee songs gleichsht du’s besht?
While = veil
Du zaylsht en latt may lanna veil’s miah mitt-nannah shvetza veyyich di lessons.
Will be verb = (eah/see/es) vatt
Nimmand vatt kfrohkt fa geld.
Will be given verb = (eah/see/es) vatt gevva
’Sis zvay-dawk lang un vatt gevva bei di organizers.
Willing adj = willing (not villing)
Wisdom noun = es wisdom / di veisheit
Wish verb = vodda
Ich vott s’veah Samshdawk so’s miah gay kenna ebbel geddahra.
- (ich) vott
- (du) votsht
- (eah/see/es) = vott
- (miah) vodda
- (diah) voddet
- (si) vodda
- Wished verb = gvott past tense
Without = unni
(See also unless)
Witness noun = da witness
Es voahra feel leit funn lang zrikk es en witness gevva henn veyyich iahra glawva.
Veah is da besht witness?
Witness verb = witnesa
Vi kenna miah patient sei vann miah witnesa zu em sei family?
Women noun = di veibsleit plural
Wonder verb = vunra
- Wondered verb = gvunnaht past tense
Wondering verb = am vunra
Work noun = di eahvet (the place and type of work)
Work verb = shaffa (action of doing work)
Workbook (Life & Ministry Workbook) noun = es Ministry un Layva Fasamling Workbuch
Work out verb = aus shaffa
- (eah/see/es) aus shaft
…en blatz un zeit es’s besht aus shaft fa dich. - (miah) aus shaffa
- (si) aus shaffa
Worn out adj = ausgvoahra
Mei glaydah gukka ausgvoahra.
Worries noun = di wohris plural
Worry verb = wohriya
- Worried verb = gwohrit past tense
Worried adj = gwohrit (often with sei or vadda)
Worse adj = shlimmah (more terrible or awful)
- Worst adj (most terrible or awful)
- shlimsht (with neu nouns)
- shlimshtah (with m nouns)
- shlimshti (with f and pl nouns)
Worthwhile adj = diveaht
’S mecht en latt effort nemma, avvah es zayld diveaht sei.
Would verb = dayda
Would be verb = veahra
- (du) veahsht
- (eah/see/es) veah
Es veah goot vann du di kee feedra daytsht dimeiya. - (miah) veahra
- (si) veahra
Would have verb = hedda
Would have to / would need to verb = mista
Ich mist een frohwa eb miah en decision macha.
- (ich) mist
- (miah) mista
- (si) mista
Would want verb = vedda
- (ich) vett
- (du) vetsht
- (eah/see/es) vett
- (miah) vedda
- (diah) veddet
- (si) vedda
Wrinkly adj = runslich
Vann du shmohksht, zayld dei haut runslich vadda.
Yard noun
- da hohf noun (location)
- da yoaht noun (measurement, 36 inches)
- yes = yau (to agree; opposite of no) (most common)
- yes = yo (definitely yes or absolutely yes; for emphasis)
- yes = yo (actually yes; used when responding to a question or statement where the other person assumes the answer is no)
💡 For more information and examples of how to use the different types of yes, read the post yau and yo.
Yesterday = geshtah (See also Times of day)
Yet = noch (as of yet; at the present time)
(Not to be confused with still)
Hosht du keaht funn da Mervin? Noch nett.
Di mail is noch nett do.
You pro
- you = du (doer of the action)
Du kansht di ensahs finna. - you = dich (receiver of the action)
Ich helf dich. - you = diah (you plural; as in, y’all)
Diah sind labbich!
Young (people) noun = di yungi plural (can be used alone)
Di yungi sinn am shpeela.
Young adj = yung (with neuter nouns)
- yungah (with m nouns)
- yungi (with f and pl nouns)
Younger (people) noun = di yingahri plural (can be used alone)
Di eldri sinn dankboah fa di yingahri iahra hilf.
Younger adj = yingah (with neuter nouns)
- yingahrah (with m nouns)
- yingahri (with f and pl nouns)
Yours pro = dein (possessive pronoun; used only without another noun)
Dein is an independent possessive pronoun. It is only used when there’s no other noun. Otherwise, use dei (your) when mentioning a noun.
Mei nohma is Ayden. Vass is dein?
Zeal noun = zeal (not eahnsht)
Site Credits
Note: This page is not a part of or endorsed by jw.org in any way. It is simply a glossary and Pennsylvania Dutch dictionary for language learning. Some example sentences used on this page may contain partial quotes from sentences publicly available on jw.org and wol.jw.org/pdc. All such content is copyright Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania and jw.org and used here under fair use. Any quotes from the Bible are from The Heilich Shrift, by Wycliffe Bible Translators, Inc.