
Under it / beneath it = unna droh
Gukk an di piktahs un vass’s sawkt unna droh.

Unharness verb = abkshadda (take off an animal’s harness)

Unhitch verb = ausshpanna (an animal from a buggy or implement)

  • Unhitched verb = auskshpand past tense

Unhitched adj = auskshpand
Is da donkey auskshpand?

Unless = unni
(See also without)
Unni’s shunsht sawkt sinn di vadda gnumma funn dee buch.

Upbuild verb = ufbauwa

Upload verb = uplohda


  • uns (when talking to a group)
  • em (more personal; when having a conversation with someone)

Use verb = yoosa

  • (ich) yoos
  • (eah/see/es) = yoost
  • (miah) yoosa
  • (si) yoosa
  • used verb = gyoost past tense

Used adj = gyoost
En trap is gyoost fa ess-sach greeya.

Used to verb = gvayna (as in to get accustomed to) (present)
Sell’s ebbes es miah gvayna missa.

Used to adj = gegvaynd (to be accustomed to) (use with a form of sei or vadda)
Mei bukkel is nett gegvaynd zu sell bett.

User noun = yoosah

Username noun = yoosah nohma