
Talk noun = da talk (as in a speech or presentation)

Talk verb = shvetza (as in to talk; not to be confused with talk (noun))

Teach verb = teetsha

  • (eah/see/es) teetsht
  • (miah) teetsha
  • (diah) teetshet
  • (si) teetsha
  • Taught = geteetsht past tense

Teacher noun = da teacher

Teaching Toolbox noun = di Teaching Toolbox

Teaching noun = di teetshing

  • Teachings noun = di teetshings plural

Technology Words

  • Download verb = daunlohda
    • (ich) daunloht
    • (miah) daunlohda
    • (si) daunlohda
  • Log in verb = log nei
  • Look under… = Gukk unnich (when explaining where to find something on a website or a section in a book)
  • Print verb = prinda
    • Printed = geprind past tense
  • Send verb = shikka
  • Share verb = sherra
    Sherra bei email.
  • Synchronized verb = sinkraneiysd past tense
  • Tap verb = drikka
    • (ich) drikk
    • (miah) drikka
    • (si) drikka
    • Tap on / Press on = drikk uf (as a command, conjugated to ich)
      • or Tap there = drikk druff (as in a command, conjugated to ich)
  • Watch the video = vatsh da video
  • Website noun = da website

Tear verb

  • Tear verb / Rip verb = fareisa (to rip or create a tear in something)
    Fareis ‘s paytsh.
    • (ich) fareis
    • (du) fareisht
    • (eah/see/es) fareist
    • (miah) fareisa
    • (diah) fareiset
    • (si) fareisa
    • Torn verb / Ripped verb = farissa past tense
      (Compare with torn (adj).)
      Ich habb mei hemm farissa.
  • Tear (down or apart) verb
    • Tear down (and trash it) = nunnah reisa or zammah reisa
      Vella gay selli sheiyah zammah reisa.
      • (ich) reis
      • (du) reisht
      • (eah/see/es) reist
      • (miah) reisa
      • (diah) reiset
      • (si) reisa
    • Tear down (take apart piece by piece / disassemble) verb = farobba
      Ich zayld di puzzle alles farobba.
      • Torn down verb = farobt past tense
        Ich habb alles farobt.
  • Tear at verb / Remove verb / Rip it out verb / Pull at hard verb = reisa (to remove it)
    • Tore at verb / Removed verb / Pulled at hard = grissa past tense
      Eah hott da poshta raus grissa.

Tell verb = sawwa (same as say)
—Compare with to tell a story; narrate

  • (ich) sawk
  • (du) sawksht
  • (eah/see/es) sawkt
  • (miah) sawwa
  • (diah) sawwet
  • (si) sawwa
  • Told verb = ksawt past tense (not fazayld)

Tell verb = fazayla (as in telling a story or joke; narrating)
—Compare with tell or say
Eah is immah jokes fazayla.
Fazayl mich en shtoahri.

  • (ich) fazayl
  • (du) fazaylsht
  • (eah/see/es) fazayld
  • (miah) fazayla
  • (diah) fazaylet
  • (si) fazayla
  • Told (a joke or story) verb = fazayld past tense

Tempted adj = getempt (often with sei or vadda)

Terrible adj = shlimm (awful)
—Compare with more intense versions worse and worst.

Than = es (used to introduce the second element in a comparison)
Da vann es di keah gmacht hott, hott may veisheit es miah henn.


  • no (used to show time)
    Lays es buch, un no shvetza veyyich vass miah lanna.
  • dann (when talking about a result that comes from something else, for that reason, as a consequence)
    Vann du dusht, dann zayld see dei friend sei.


  • There adv = datt (location away from the speaker; opposite of here.)
    Da hund is datt drivva.
  • There pro = es (“filler” pronoun; often at the start of a sentence or thought. Usually with a form of sei or voahra following.)
    Es is nett genunk ess-sach in’s haus.

Thinking noun = denkes (as in the way a person thinks; opinion, viewpoint)
—See also Thank, think, thinking language lesson
Di veld iahra denkes is letz!

This time = dessamohl
Avvah dessamohl, voahra sacha diffand.

Thought noun = da thought
Sell is en goodah thought.

  • Thoughts noun = di gedanka plural
    Vi kenna miah vekk bleiva funn letzi gedanka un aekshins?

Tidy up verb = ufrohma

  • Tidied up verb = ufgrohmd past tense
    Si henn ’s haus ufgrohmd eb di fasamling.

Tidy / Tidied up adj = ufgrohmd
’S haus is so sauvah un ufgrohmd.


  • Time noun = di zeit (time of day, time period)
    Nemm zeit fa di bichah laysa alli dawk.
    • Times noun = di zeida plural (period of time)
      See kamfirt een deich haddi zeida
  • Time noun = es moll (not mohl) (this time, next time, last time, once)
    Denk moll veyyich dess.
    S’ neksht moll
  • Every time = alli-moll (not mohl)
  • Sometimes = daylmohls or alsmoll

Times of Day

  • Today = heit
  • Tomorrow = meiya
  • This afternoon = dinochmidawk
  • This evening = dinohvet
  • This forenoon = difammidawk
  • This mid-day = dimiddawk
  • Morning = meiya
  • This morning = dimeiyet
  • Early morning = meiya free
  • Tomorrow morning = meiya free
  • Last night = geshtrohvet
  • Tonight / this evening = dinohvet (some natives shorten it to dinoh’t)
  • Yesterday = geshtah

 Time flies phrase = Zeit gayt on.


  • fa (generally used with a verb)
    Vi fa problems ausshaffa.
  • zu (generally used right before a noun)
    Vi kann ma naychah kumma zu anri?
  • ditzu (used after the subject has been mentions)
    • Ditzu is often pronounced with the emphasis on the zu. You could think of it as: d’zu, da’zu)

For other uses for the word fa, see also the dictionary and the words For and Kind of for additional meanings.

Tobacco noun = da doowak (not doovak or duahk)

Today = heit (See also Times of day)

Tomorrow = meiya (See also Times of day)

Tomorrow morning = meiya free (See also Times of day)

Tonight = dinohvet (See also Times of day)

Too bad = shawt
Sell is shawt!

Torn adj = farissa (use with form of sei or vadda)
Mei rokk is farissa.

Tough time phrase = tuffi zeit (as in a difficult, rough period of time; similar to haddi zeit)

Tract noun = da tract

Train verb = trayna

  • Trained verb = getraynd past tense

Translate verb = trenslayda

  • Translated verb = getrenslayt past tense

Translation noun = trenslayshin

Trash noun = es trash

Treat verb = treeda

  • (ich) treet
  • (eah/see/es) treet
  • (miah) treeda
  • (si) treeda
  • Treated verb = getreet past tense

Trials noun = di trials

Tricked adj = getrikt (as in fooled; use with sei or vadda)

Trust noun = es trost

Trust verb = trosta or drauwa

  • (miah) trosta
  • (diah) trostet
  • (si) trosta
  • Trusted verb = getrost past tense

Trusted adj = getrost (as in dependable; use with sei or vadda)
Veis es du getrost sei kansht.

Try verb = boviahra (not broviahra)

  • (ich) boviah
  • (du) boviahsht
  • (eah/see/es) boviaht
  • (miah) boviahra
  • (diah) boviahret
  • (si) boviahra
  • Tried verb = boviaht past tense
    Vi hott da boo boviaht da Frank macha ufgevva?

Try it out verb = ausboviahra
Ich habb en neiyah tool gekawft. Reddi fa’s ausboviahra?

Turn down verb = nunnah drayya (to say no to something) (conjugate drayya to the noun or pronoun)
Du nunnah draysht may rawm boi.

  • Turned down verb = nunnah gedrayt past tense
    Ich habb da offer nunnah gedrayt.

Type of / Kind of / Sort of = fa
Vass fa challenges hott da Bryan katt?

For other uses for the word fa, see also the dictionary and the words For and Kind of for additional meanings.