
Language noun = di language

  • Languages noun = di languages plural

Last verb = laesta

Last night = geshtrohvet (See also Times of day)

Law noun = es gebott

  • Laws noun = di gebodda plural (not ksetz unless speaking about a set of laws. See Mosaic Law)

Leave verb = lossa (as in to leave an item behind)
Ich loss een en message.

  • Left verb = glost past tense
    Ich habb een en message glost.

Leave off verb = ablossa (as in not include)
Du kansht’s ablossa.

Leave open / leave up (to) (a decision) verb = uf lossa
Loss di doah uf. (as in open)
Ich zayld’s uf lossa zu dich. (as in choice)

  • left open / left up (to) (a decision) verb = uf glost past tense

Less adj = vennichah

Lesson noun = da lesson
In deah lesson, zayla miah lanna veyyich…

Let verb = lossa (see also leave)
Loss mich helfa!

Let someone know phrase = vissa lossa (as in to tell someone something)
Ich zayld si vissa lossa. (I will let them know.)
Ich voah nett haebbi diveyya un habb si vissa glost. (I was not happy about it and I let them know about it.)

vissa lossa can be used in a friendly way (let someone know something) or an unfriendly way (let them know it) depending on the context.

Conjugate lossa as needed.

Library noun = di library

Life noun = es layva (the life a person or animal possesses)
Unsah layva is simple.
Miah henn nett en pirfikt layva, avvah miah sinn haebbi.

  1. like verb (as in, to enjoy) = gleicha
  2. like (as in, similar) = vi

Likely adj = aebt

Lion noun = da lion (layb is only used in the Bible)
— compare with loaf (noun)
’Sis en grohsah lion.

Listen (to) verb = abheicha
— compare with obey (verb)
Eah abheicht zu dich.

  • Listened verb = abkeicht past tense
    Da Marlin hott abkeicht zu da warning.

Live verb

  1. live = layva (to exist) (not to be confused with life noun)
    Da vayk es miah layva
    Oh kaynich, layb fa’immah!
    Vi kansht du leevi veisa fa anri bei da vayk es du laybsht?
  2. live = voona (to dwell or reside somewhere)
    • (ich) voon
      Ich voon in Daviess county.
    • (du) voonsht
      Vo voonsht du?
    • (eah/see/es) voond
    • (miah) voona
      Miah voona do.
    • (diah) voonet
      Vo voonet diah?
    • (si) voona
    • lived verb = gvoond past tense (as in dwelled)
      Vi lang hend diah datt gvoond?

Loaf noun = da layb (as in bread)
— compare with lion (noun)
Ich habb en layb broht gebakka.
Miah henn fimf layb broht.

  1. When using layb along with a noun, it does not need funn (of). (See first example above)
  2. When talking about more than one loaf, you do not need to make layb plural. (See second example above)

Log in verb = log nei (see other Technology Words)

Lose verb = faliahra

  • (ich) faliah
  • (du) faliahsht
  • (eah/see/es) faliaht
  • (miah) faliahra
  • (diah) faliahret
  • (si) faliahra
  • Lost verb = faloahra past tense

Lost adj = faloahra (used with form of sei or vadda)
Miah sinn faloahra.

Lot (as in ‘a lot’ or many) = en latt
Vass hott da Shawn kolfa fa ohhalda en latt respect havva fa anri?

When using en latt, it does not need funn (of) after it.

Loud adj = laut
(Compare with sound (verb) and out loud)
Sellah hund is laut!

Love noun = di leevi

Loving adj:

  • loving (with neu nouns)
  • lovingi (with f or pl nouns)
  • lovingah (with m nouns)

Loyal adj = loyal (not shtandhaftich)