
Keep in mind (to continue remembering) verb = meind halda (See also remember)

Keep up with verb = ufhalda mitt
’Sis hatt fa ufhalda mitt alles es am gay is in di news.

Killed verb = doht gmacht (needs helper verb for whoever is doing the killing)

Kind of / Type of / Sort of = fa
Vass fa challenges hott di Barb katt?

For other uses for the word fa, see also the dictionary and the words For and To for additional meanings.

Kingdom noun
— compare government

Kingdom Hall noun = da Fasamling Blatz

  • Kingdom Halls noun = di Fasamling Bletz plural

Kiss verb

Know verb

  1. know verb = vissa (to know information or a fact)
  2. know verb = kenna (to know or recognize a person) (not to be confused with can)
    • (ich) kenn
    • (du) kensht
    • (eah/see/es) kend
    • (miah) kenna
    • (diah) kennet
    • (si) kenna
    • gekend verb past tense