
Idea noun = da idea (not eidi)

  • Ideas noun = di ideas plural

If = vann (as in, if this, then that; not to be confused with whether.) (See also Eb vs Vann language lesson)

Illustration noun = da illustration (as in an example or story used to teach) (See also parable)

Imitate verb = immatayda

  • (eah/see/es) immatayt
  • (miah) immatayda
  • (si) immatayda
  • (diah) immataydet
  • Imitated verb = immatayt past tense

Immediately adv

  1. bletzlich
  2. grawt (as in right away) (see also words exactly and straight)
    Gebt nett uf vann du nett grawt results saynsht.

Imperfect adj = impirfikti (with f nouns)

Important adj:

  • importand (with neu nouns)
  • importandi (with f and pl nouns)
  • importandah (with m nouns)

in a = inna (combination of in and en) (not innen)
Brenna inna feiyahrichi hell fa’immah is nett even feah in Gott sei awwa.

in the = im (combination when used with masculine or neuter nouns)

Include verb = inclooda

  • (ich) = incloot (also used in commands)
  • (miah) = inclooda
  • (si) = inclooda

Included adj = include
Vass alles is include in da job?

Including = including (as well as, in addition to)
including shlimm veddah, earthquakes, un sacha vi sell.

Inspect verb = inshpekta

Instead = in blatz (not imblatz)
In blatz funn sell, eah vill havva es miah layva enjoya.

Interested adj = innarest (often used with sei or vadda)

Interesting adj = innaresting

  • innarestingah (with m nouns)
  • innarestingi (with f and pl nouns)

Interfere verb = interfera

Internet noun = da internet

Interrupt verb = innarobda

Into / in = nei (usually grouped with a verb) (Compare with new)
Vass kann uns helfa fa nett nei gevva zu temptations?
Log nei.

Invited adj = kaysa (often with a form of sei or vadda)
Du bisht kaysa.

Involved adj = involved (often with sei)

Inward adj = nei-zuss (toward the inside, center, or interior)

Isn’t it? / is that not so? / right? = gell (used at end of a sentence as a confirmation of something)
Dei daett shaft mitt construction, gell?
Miah henn samm reeli shayni dawwa katt, gell?