Dangerous adj = kfeahlich
’Sis kfeahlich fa lawfa inna blatz’s dunkel is unni en licht.
Daughter noun = es maydel / ’s maydel (common)
- Daughters noun = di mayt plural
Day noun = da dawk
Day adj = dawk (as in daylight, daytime)
Ich zayl’s du veil’s dawk is.
Day after tomorrow = ivvah meiya (See also Times of Day)
Day before yesterday = foah geshtah (See also Times of Day)
Dead noun = di dohda (common, as a group)
Kenna di dohda aekshli viddah layva?
Dead adj = doht (as in condition, used with form of sei — not to be confused with da doht)
When using doht without a noun, include the form of sei depending on the pronoun.
Vann du bisht doht…
Da giant is doht uf da bodda kfalla!
- dohdi adj (with f or pl nouns)
Di dohdi animals.
Deal verb = deela (to endure or handle; often used along with mitt)
- (ich) deel
- (miah) deela
- (si) deela
- Dealed verb = gedeelt past tense
Death noun = da doht (common)
Gott hast da doht; eah gukk’s oh vi en enemy.
- shtauves noun (used in Bible, but less common)
Decide verb = diseiyda
- (du) deseiytsht
- (eah/see/es) diseiyt
- (miah) diseiyda
- (diah) diseiydet
- (si) diseiyda
- Decided verb = diseiyt past tense
Decision noun = da decision
Vass zayld helfa fa en goodah decision macha?
- Decisions noun = di decisions plural
Dedicate (oneself) verb = layva fa Jehova (personally deciding to live for God, done before becoming baptized; lit: living for Jehovah)
Deep adj = deef
- deefi adj (with f nouns)
Deeper adj
- deefah (with neu and m nouns)
- deefahri (with f and pl nouns)
Delete verb = dileeda
Deliberately adv = poahbes (Not to be confused with the purpose or desire (noun) of something.)(See also on purpose)
Ich habb nett poahbes.
Depend verb = dipenda
Desire noun = da villa
Vi vissa miah es Gott nett sei villa getshaynsht hott fa mensha?
Destroy verb = distroiya
- (miah) distroiya
- (si) distroiya
- Destroyed verb = distroit past tense
Da hund hott da shoo distroit.
Destroyed adj = distroit (usually accompanied by sei or vadda)
Di shtatt zayld distroit vadda bei da shtoahm.
Devour verb = fressa (see also animals eat)
Kaeffahra un termites fressa di baym un’s hols.
Dictionary noun = di dictionary
Die verb = shtauva
- Died verb = kshtauva past tense
Difference noun = da diffans (not da unnahshitt)
Different adj:
- diffand (with neu nouns)
- diffandi (with f nouns)
- diffandah (with m nouns)
Direction noun = es direction (as in guidance or instructions)
Miah sedda’s direction trosta funn unsah eldra.
Discipline noun = dissaplin
Dissaplin veist leevi.
Discipline verb = dissaplind
Disciplined adj = dissaplind (often with sei or vadda)
Vi doon samm aekta vann si dissaplind vadda bei iahra eldra?
Disease noun
- di disease (common)
- di granket (still often used)
Distract verb = distraekta
Divide verb = diveiyda
- (miah) diveiyda
- (si) diveiyda
Donation noun = dohnayshin
- Donations noun = di dohnayshins plural
Donation adj = dohnayshin
dohnayshin boxa
Door noun = di deah
- Doors noun = di deahra plural
Doubts noun = di doubts plural
Ich kann dei questions ensahra vann du doubts hosht.
Doubt verb = dowda | zveifla
Download verb = daunlohda (see other Technology Words)
Draw closer verb = naychah kumma (as in, to strengthen or deepen a relationship with someone)
Vi kann ma naychah kumma zu anri?
Dress verb = ohdu (as in, to put on (a clothing item), or to get dressed) (See also put on (clothes))
Miah missa obedient sei fa en mask ohdu.
- (miah) ohdu
- (si) ohdu
- Dressed verb = Ohgedu past tense
Ich habb mei rokk ohgedu.
Dress verb = dressa (as in, to dress in a certain way.)
Miah gevva praise zu Gott bei vi shay es miah dressa.
- (miah) dressa
- (si) dressa
- Dressed verb = gedrest past tense (See also put on past tense)
Hosht du gedrest fa di hochtzich?
Dressed adj = gedrest (use with a form of sei or vadda)
Diah sind shay gedrest heit.
Dress up verb = ufdressa
Dried up verb = ufgedrikkeld past tense
Drive around verb = rumm foahra