
Abbreviated Watchtower Study noun = Katzah Shtoddi Funn Da Vatshtavvah

About adv = baut (as in nearly or almost)
Miah sinn baut datt.

About prep (as in concerning or in regard to) (See also prepositions lesson guide)

  • about prep = veyyich (before a noun or pronoun; in the middle of a sentence)
    Miah zayla shvetza veyyich dei grades.
    Vass veyyich dich?
  • about (it) prep = diveyya (at the end of a sentence or thought when there’s no noun or pronoun after it)
    Vass zayla miah shvetza diveyya in deah article?
    Sell is vass ich am shvetza binn diveyya.
    Vass kenna miah du diveyya?

Above all = ovvich alles

Accept verb = eksepta

  • (ich) eksept
  • (eah/see/es) eksept
  • (miah) eksepta
  • (si) eksepta

Acceptable adj = acceptable
Sell is acceptable.

Access verb = aeksessa
Miah zayla’s information aeksessa.

Act verb = aekta (not ohshikka)

  • Acted verb = gaekt past tense

Acted out adj = ausgaekt
Ich gleich awl di talks un sacha es ausgaekt vadda.

Action noun = es aekshin

  • Actions noun = di aekshins plural

Actually = aekshli

Advice noun = es advice

Affect verb = afekta

  • Affected verb = afekt past tense

Affected adj = afekt
Vi mecht ma afekt sei vann em sei job tshaynsht?

(see Language Lesson)

  1. After (without a mention of when) = noch
    (See also another and still)
  2. After (following right after / immediately or next) = nohch

(this) Afternoon = dinochmidawk

Afterword = nochdihand

Age noun = di eld
Si sinn baut di saym eld.

Agree verb = agreeya

  • (ich) agree
  • (du) agreesht
  • (eah/see/es) agreet
  • (miah) agreeya
  • (diah) agreeyet
  • (si) agreeya
  • Agreed verb = agreet past tense

All the way at the bottom = gans drunna (there)

Allowed = daufa (commonly used in general conversation)

  • Allowed = alawbt (in reference to commands or laws)

Amazing adj

  • amazing (with neu nouns)
    ’Sis amazing vi ald da gaul is!
  • amaysingi (with f and pl nouns)

Amish noun = di Amishi (as in, the people who belong to the Amish religion)
Daviess County Amishi sinn known fa iahra Southern twang.

and so on phrase = un so veidah (as in etc, etc)

Animals noun = di animals (not diahra)

Angel noun = da engel

  • Angels noun = di engel plural (not engla)

Another = noch
Sell is noch en reesin es miah shaffa free mieyets.

Answer noun = da ensah

  • Answers noun = di ensahs plural

Answer verb = ensahra

  • (ich) ensah
  • (eah/see/es) ensaht
  • (miah) ensahra
  • (si) ensahra
  • Answered verb = gensaht past tense

Antique noun = da antique

Anymore adv = may (any longer, at the present; especially when talking about now verses in the past) (Compare with no longer (nimmi))
Ich binn nau zu ald un kann baut nix du may.
Miah henn di train fafayld un ’sis nix es miah du kenna may.
Vass kann ich du? Nix nau may. Alles is faddich.

Words anymore (may) and no longer (nimmi) mean about the same. The difference is: nimmi goes along with a verb; may can be used by itself (usually at the end of a sentence).

Apply verb = apleiya

  • (ich) apleiy
  • (du) apleiysht
  • (eah/see/es) apleiyt
  • (miah) apleiya
  • (diah) apleiyet
  • (si) apleiya

Appreciate verb = apreeshayda

  • (ich) apreeshayt
  • (du) apreeshaysht
  • (eah/see) apreeshayt (can also be used with ‘s or es when referring to an unmarried girl)
  • (miah) apreeshayda
  • (diah) appreeshaydet
  • (si) apreeshayda
  • Appreciated verb = apreeshayt past tense

Area noun = di area

Argue verb

  • argyoowa
    Ich zayl nett argyoowa mitt dich.
  • maula
    Even vann diah bays sind, boviahret hatt fa nett shteahra maula.

Argument noun = da argument
en grohsah argument

Article noun = da article

Ask verb = frohwa (see also question verb)
Miah frohwa dich fa ohhalda may lanna veyyich sell.

  • (ich) frohk
  • (du) frohksht
  • (eah/see/es) frohkt
  • (miah) frohwa
  • (diah) frohwet
  • (si) frohwa
  • Asked verb = kfrohkt past tense

Asked adj = kfrohkt

At = an

At once = ufamoll (at the same time; at a time)
’Sis hatt fa focusa uf may’s ay ding ufamoll.
Awl ufamoll hott alles getshaynsht.
Nemm ay dawk ufamoll.

Ate verb (past tense of eat)

  1. gessa (what a human did)
  2. kfressa (what an animal did)

Ate up verb = ufkfressa past tense

Attack noun = attack

Attacked adj = attacked

Attitude noun = da attitude

Available adj = available

Awake! (magazine) = Ufvekka!