
  • parents noun = di eldra (In conversations, it’s more common and natural to use maemm un daett (mom and dad) instead.)
  • regret verb = shpeida
  • regretted verb = kshpeit past tense
  • ended up = ufgend (as in the result of something)
  • good news noun = di good news (news in general or from the Bible)
  • bad news noun = di bad news (news in general)
  • rishta verb = prepare (the table)
  • openly adv = fanna rumm
  • secretly adv = hinna rumm
  • branch noun (off the tree) = di hekk
  • branch noun (on the tree) = da nasht
  • earned adj = fadeend
  • rather = leevah
  • to prep = zu or ditzu (often pronounced d’zu, da’zu)
  • Spiritual Gems (midweek meeting part) = Spiritual Gems Keshtlichi Sacha
  • fun adj / good = fitt
  • crooked adj = shep
  • really = hatt (for emphasis)
  • tricked adj = getrikt (as in fooled)