Calm adj = kawm (See also still (quiet))
Cards noun = di koada plural
Ich kann baut nett voahra fa koada shpeela.
Carve out / chip out verb = raus tshibba
Cause verb = kawsa
Certain adj:
- sirten (with neu nouns)
- sirtendi (with f nouns)
- sirtendah (with m nouns)
Challenges noun = di challenges plural
Chance noun = di chance
Change noun = da tshaynsh
- Changes noun = di tshaynshes plural
Change verb = tshaynsha
- (ich) tshaynsh
- (du) tshaynsht
- (eah/see/es) tshaynsht
- (miah) tshaynsha
- (diah) tshaynshet
- (si) tshaynsha
- Changed verb = getshaynsht past tense
Chapter noun = da chapter
- Chapters noun = di chapters plural
Check verb = tshekka
Chew verb = tshawwa
Chip out / carve out verb = raus tshibba
Choice noun = da choice
- Choices noun = di choices plural
Choose verb = tshoosa
- (ich) tshoos
- (miah) tshoosa
- (diah) tshooset
- (si) tshoosa
- Chose verb = getshoost past tense
Choose from verb = raus laysa (pick out; select from)
Ich habb di fauli aebbeahra raus laysa.
- Chose from verb = raus glaysa past tense
Christians noun = di Christians plural (more common)
Veah sinn rechti Christians?
Church rules noun = di adninga / di adlinga plural
Clear adj = clear (not kliah)
- Clearly adj = clearly
Close verb = zu macha (opposite of open)
(Note: These work together but do not have to be right next to each other in the sentence)
Mach di deah zu.
Ich zayl di deah zu macha.
Close adj:
- klohsi (used with f and pl nouns)
klohsi friends - klohsah (used with m nouns)
en klohsah friend
Closed adj = zu gmacht
’S buch is zu gmacht.
Color noun = da kollah
- Colors noun = di kollahs plural
Di blettah funn di baym sinn am kollahs tshaynsha.
Collect verb = kalekta | kollekta
Come Up verb = ufkumma (as in to occur or come to attention)
Shpendet zeit shvetza mitt eiyah kinnah, nett yusht vann problems ufkumma.
Comfort noun = kamfirt
Comfort verb = kamfirta
- (eah/see/es) kamfirt
- (miah) kamfirta
- (si) kamfirta
Comforting adj = kamfirting
Coming together phrase = am zammah kumma (progress is being made)
Alles is am zammah kumma.
Common adj = common (more common)
- kommini (with f and pl nouns) (less common)
Compare verb = kamperra
Congregation noun = di congregation
Content adj = zufridda
Ich binn zufridda mitt vass ich habb.
Continue verb = ohhalda
- Continued verb = ohkalda past tense
Control noun = kantrohl
Control verb = kantrohla
- (eah/see/es) kantrohld
- (miah) kantrohla
- (si) kantrohla
- Controlled verb = kantrohld past tense
Convention noun = di convention
Cooperate verb = koahberayda
Copy noun = kabbi
- Copies noun = di kabbis plural
Copy verb = kabbiya
Correct adj = recht
Correct verb = korekta
Cost noun = di kosht
Counsel noun = es counsel
Counter noun = da counter
Couple noun = di couple (as in married. See also married people.)
Couple adj = poah (as in amount; also a few)
Courage noun = da courage
Crooked adj = shep
Cut verb = shneida (often with scissors. Never used when talking about wood; use saw (verb) instead.)
— compare with saw (verb) and shpalda (verb)
Si sinn di rekk shneida.
Ich muss mei hoah shneida.