

  1. back noun = da bukkel (as part of body)
  2. back adv = zrikk (as in direction)
  3. back adj = hinna (as in location)

Bad news noun = di bad news (common)

Baptized adj = gedawft (use with a form of sei or vadda)
Vass setsht du denka diveyya eb gedawft vatsht?

Based verb = gebayst past tense
Eah hott sei discussions uf facts gebayst.

Based adj = gebayst
Di bichah sinn gebayst uf medical research.

Bear verb = shtenda (as in to handle or stand a situation)
Ich binn so hungahrich es ich’s baut nett shtenda kann.

Beat verb = beeda (as in to win at something; game, race, etc or have success over someone or something)
Ich zayl dich beeda.

  • Beat verb = gebodda past tense
    Ich habb dich gebodda!

Because = koss (more common)

  • because (less common)

Beehive noun = eema-haus

Before = eb (in time or order, but not necessarily about the past) (Compare with previously)
Miah zayla essa eb sell.

Beforehand = ebdihand (“in advance”, “ahead of time”)
Favass sett ma en list macha ebdihand vann ma zu da shtoah gayt?

Belief noun = da glawva (a person’s faith, beliefs, or religion)
Vi kann ich da recht glawva finna?
Mach dei glawva shteikah.

Believe verb = glawva (as in to trust something as true, or to soften a statement)
Ich kann’s nett glawva!
Si zayla da gans dawk bleiva, glawb ich. (See note)
Vass maynd’s fa convinced sei funn vass ma glawbt?

Instead of appearing to demand that what they say is completely accurate, native speakers may put “glawb ich” at the end of a sentence (or “Ich glawb” / “Glawb” at the start) to soften a statement. This is similar to putting “I think” or “I believe” at the end of a statement in English. The words “glawb ich” can also be combined into a single word, glavvich; similar to habb ich / havvich.

Glawb’s voah geshtah.
Mei eldra sinn 70 dess yoah, glavvich.

Beneath it / under it = unna droh
Gukk an di piktahs un vass’s sawkt unna droh.

Benefits noun = di benefits

Benefit verb

  • benefit verb (with singular nouns and pronouns)
    • (ich) benefit
    • (eah/see/es) benefit
  • bennafida verb (with plural nouns and pronouns)
    Miah bennafida funn dei shayni vadda.
  • Benefited verb = benefit past tense
    Vi hott si benefit funn da program?

(be of) Benefit verb = badda (as in to be of benefit, aid or help)
Ich habb da Johnny sei hoot bei gebrocht. Es batt een nix koss eah is nett dihaym.

Ich habb hatt boviahra, avvah es batt nix.

  • (eah/see/es) batt
  • (miah) badda
  • (si) badda

Beside = nayvich (physically next to something)
Da nei bohm is geblanst nayvich’s haus.

Better adj

  • bessah (used alone or with neuter nouns)
    Zayla sacha selayva bessah vadda?
  • bessahrah (used with m nouns)
    ’Sis en bessahrah vayk fa sell lanna.
  • bessahri (used with f nouns)
    Is dess en bessahri zeit fa dich kawla?

Better (one) noun = bessahrah
Ich binn en teacher avvah du bisht en bessahrah.

Better (thing) noun = bessahs (a better thing. Note the -s at the end of bessah)
Miah kenna shuah sei es ebbes bessahs kumma is.

Bible Study noun = da Bivvel Shtoddi

Bible Talk noun = da Bivvel Talk (most commonly when referring to a public talk)

Bird noun = es birdi (common) / da fohl (less common)

  • Birds noun = di birdis plural (common) / di feyyel plural (less common)

Bit noun = es gebiss (steel part of bridle that goes in an animal’s mouth)

Blame verb = blayma

Bless verb = blessa

Blessed adj = geblest
Miah sinn geblest.

Blessings noun = di blessings

Boo-boo noun = atzi (an ouchy; used for pain with very small children)

Booked adj = beshteld (See also scheduled (adj)) (Technically a borrowed German word, but often used in print when talking about upcoming events.)
Da class is beshteld alli Samshdawk.

Boot noun = da shtiffel

  • Boots noun = di shtiffel plural

Bothered verb = gebaddaht past tense

Bowl (small) noun = di shisli

Bowl (large bowl) noun = di shissel (serving bowl or large mixing bowl)

Brave adj = brayf

Bridle noun = da zohm (animal’s headgear; usually containing the bit and reins)

Bright adj

  • breiyt (with a neu noun)
  • breiyti (with f and pl nouns)
  • breiytah (with a m noun)

Buggy noun = es buggy

Built adj = gebaut
Si sinn gebaut mitt hols.

Busy adj = bissi

Busier = bissiyah