Gate noun = es doah (or large door)
- Gate noun = di doahra plural
Get ahold of verb = hohld greeya funn (to contact)
greeya is the verb in the phrase, so it gets conjugated to the proper pronoun.
Sell’s en eesiyah vayk fa hohld greeya funn uns.
Get rid of (something) phrase = ritt vadda
Glad adj = froh
Go on verb = on gay / on (shorten version)
Bisht du reddi fa on?
Good = goot
- Really good = adlich goot | reeli goot
- Pretty good = zimmlich goot
Good adj = fit (describing something)
Dess grumbeahra mush is fit!
Good news noun (news in general or good news from the Bible)
- di good news (news in general or from the Bible)
- di goodi sacha (older term)
Governed verb = gegoverned past tense
Governing Body noun = di Drubb es Foahgayt
Verbs that go with di Drubb es Foahgayt are conjugated for he/she/it — not they.
Government noun = da government (as in a general or modern-day government)
— compare kingdom
- Governments noun = di governments plural
Great Crowd noun = di Grohs Drubb
Verbs that go with di Grohs Drubb are conjugated for he/she/it — not they.
The Great Tribulation noun = di grohs dreebsawl
Greedy adj = greedi
Grew up verb = ufgvaxa past tense (Use with a form of sei.)
Dess is vo ich ufgvaxa binn.
Grieve verb = greeva
Group noun = di drubb
Verbs that go with di drubb are conjugated for he/she/it — not they.
Grown up adj = ufgvaxa (use with sei or vadda)
Zayla dei kinnah goot bleiva vann si ufgvaxa sinn?
Guard verb = garda
Guide verb = geida
- (eah/see/es) geit
- (miah) geida
- (si) geida
- Guided verb = gegeid past tense
Guided adj = gegeid