
Face verb = faysa

Fair adj = feah (reasonable and just)

Faithful adj:

  • faythfel (with n nouns)
    Eah voah faythfel even vann
  • faythfeli (with f or pl nouns)
    faythfeli examples
    selli es faythfeli

The Faithful and Discreet Slave noun = Di Faythfel Slave Mitt Veisheit

Family noun = di family

Family Worship = Family-Zeit Fa Jehova

Far adj = veit
Vass henn miah gland so veit?
Even vann’s veit is fa gay, doon miah alsnoch reklah zammah kumma.

Far off adj = veit ab
Miah gayn even zu areas es veit ab sinn.

Feelings noun = di feelings (not kfeelah) (opinions or emotions)

Fell verb = kfalla past tense
(Even though it’s past tense, use with a form of sei.)
Da bohm is nunnah kfalla.

Fetch verb = hohla (to get or retreive something or someone)
Ich zayld een hohla.

  • (ich) hohl
  • (eah/see/es) hohld
  • (miah) hohla
  • (si) hohla
  • Fetched verb = kohld past tense

Fewer adj = vennichah

Field service noun = di ministry (not feld deensht)

Figure out verb = aus fikkahra

Fill out verb = ausfilla

Find out verb = ausfinna

  • Found out verb = auskfunna past tense

Finish verb = faddich macha (conjugate macha)
(Note: Both words work together but do not have to be right next to each other in the sentence.)
Macht da lesson faddich.

  • Finished verb = faddich gmacht past tense
    Du da dawk nei vann da lesson faddich gmacht hosht.

First (see also language lesson Eahsht vs S’eahsht vs Seahsht)

  • First adj = eahsht (with nouns)
    Gukket da eahsht paragraph.
  • First adj = ’s eahsht (with singular neuter nouns)
    (Note: The es often is shortened to ’s and often gets pronounced together with eahsht. You will be most likely to hear it at the start of a sentence.)
    ’S eahsht moll es ich do voah, habb ich dich kolfa’s haus butza.
  • First adv = seahsht (with verbs)
    Miah missa seahsht lanna vi.

Fisherman noun = da fishah

  • Fishermen noun = di fishah plural
    Ich habb zvay fishah ksenna geshtah.

Fixed verb = kfixt past tense

Fixed adj = kfixt

Flake noun = da flokka

  • Flakes noun = di flekka plural
    ’Sis am shnayya un di flekka sinn grohs.

Flat adj = flaett
Si sinn uf’s flaett dach funn iahra haus.

The Flood noun = di Sindfloot

Foggy adj (See post nevlich and dufftich)

Follow verb = fallohwa

Follow (an example) verb = nohch kumma (to follow after someone and do what they did)
Sei foos-dabba nohch kumma.

Followers noun = di followers plural

For = fa

For other uses for the word fa, see also the dictionary and the words To and Kind of for additional meanings.

For (it) = difoah (usually used when putting for at the end of a thought or sentence) (Compare with previously)
Veah is da boi gmacht difoah?

Forgetful adj = fagesslich

Footsteps / Footprints noun = di foos-dabba plural

Force verb = forsa
Miah kenna nett leit forsa fa ebbes du es miah vella.

Forenoon = fammidawk (See also Times of day)

Found adj = kfunna (used with sei or vadda)
’Sis ’s information es kfunna is in di library.

Free adj = free (not frei)
Sell is da vayk es miah free sei kenna.

Freedom noun = da freedom

Friend noun = da friend (not freind)

Friendship noun = da friendship

From prep (See Prepositions lesson guide)

  • from = funn (to introduce a noun; most common)
  • from = difunn (at the end of sentence or thought)

Frosty adj = frushtich

Fulfill verb = folfilla

  • Fulfilled verb = folfild past tense

Fulfilled adj = folfild (often with sei or vadda)


Fun noun

  1. fann
  2. kshposs (something really or very fun)
    Miah henn kshposs katt geshtah!

Fun adj

  1. fann
  2. fitt (see also good)
    Sell voah fitt!

Funeral noun = da leicht

Future noun = da future