Face verb = faysa
Fair adj = feah (reasonable and just)
Faithful adj:
- faythfel (with n nouns)
Eah voah faythfel even vann… - faythfeli (with f or pl nouns)
faythfeli examples
selli es faythfeli
The Faithful and Discreet Slave noun = Di Faythfel Slave Mitt Veisheit
Family noun = di family
Family Worship = Family-Zeit Fa Jehova
Far adj = veit
Vass henn miah gland so veit?
Even vann’s veit is fa gay, doon miah alsnoch reklah zammah kumma.
Far off adj = veit ab
Miah gayn even zu areas es veit ab sinn.
Feelings noun = di feelings (not kfeelah) (opinions or emotions)
Fell verb = kfalla past tense
(Even though it’s past tense, use with a form of sei.)
Da bohm is nunnah kfalla.
Fetch verb = hohla (to get or retreive something or someone)
Ich zayld een hohla.
- (ich) hohl
- (eah/see/es) hohld
- (miah) hohla
- (si) hohla
- Fetched verb = kohld past tense
Fewer adj = vennichah
Field service noun = di ministry (not feld deensht)
Figure out verb = aus fikkahra
Fill out verb = ausfilla
Find out verb = ausfinna
- Found out verb = auskfunna past tense
Finish verb = faddich macha (conjugate macha)
(Note: Both words work together but do not have to be right next to each other in the sentence.)
Macht da lesson faddich.
- Finished verb = faddich gmacht past tense
Du da dawk nei vann da lesson faddich gmacht hosht.
First (see also language lesson Eahsht vs S’eahsht vs Seahsht)
- First adj = eahsht (with nouns)
Gukket da eahsht paragraph. - First adj = ’s eahsht (with singular neuter nouns)
(Note: The es often is shortened to ’s and often gets pronounced together with eahsht. You will be most likely to hear it at the start of a sentence.)
’S eahsht moll es ich do voah, habb ich dich kolfa’s haus butza. - First adv = seahsht (with verbs)
Miah missa seahsht lanna vi.
Fisherman noun = da fishah
- Fishermen noun = di fishah plural
Ich habb zvay fishah ksenna geshtah.
Fixed verb = kfixt past tense
Fixed adj = kfixt
Flake noun = da flokka
- Flakes noun = di flekka plural
’Sis am shnayya un di flekka sinn grohs.
Flat adj = flaett
Si sinn uf’s flaett dach funn iahra haus.
The Flood noun = di Sindfloot
Foggy adj (See post nevlich and dufftich)
Follow verb = fallohwa
Follow (an example) verb = nohch kumma (to follow after someone and do what they did)
Sei foos-dabba nohch kumma.
Followers noun = di followers plural
For (it) = difoah (usually used when putting for at the end of a thought or sentence) (Compare with previously)
Veah is da boi gmacht difoah?
Forgetful adj = fagesslich
Footsteps / Footprints noun = di foos-dabba plural
Force verb = forsa
Miah kenna nett leit forsa fa ebbes du es miah vella.
Forenoon = fammidawk (See also Times of day)
- This forenoon = difammidawk (See also Times of day)
Found adj = kfunna (used with sei or vadda)
’Sis ’s information es kfunna is in di library.
Free adj = free (not frei)
Sell is da vayk es miah free sei kenna.
Freedom noun = da freedom
Friend noun = da friend (not freind)
Friendship noun = da friendship
From prep (See Prepositions lesson guide)
- from = funn (to introduce a noun; most common)
- from = difunn (at the end of sentence or thought)
Frosty adj = frushtich
Fulfill verb = folfilla
- Fulfilled verb = folfild past tense
Fulfilled adj = folfild (often with sei or vadda)
Fun noun
- fann
- kshposs (something really or very fun)
Miah henn kshposs katt geshtah!
Fun adj
- fann
- fitt (see also good)
Sell voah fitt!
Funeral noun = da leicht
Future noun = da future